Why : I’ve actually never worn this for a full 25 hours (I’m waaay to lazy to stay away from my bed for that long!) but I can say with certainty that on the days I’ve applied this over a primer it’s looked extremely fresh and pretty even after about 14 hours. Also, as it fades it manages to fade at the same rate all over my face so I don't end up with that horrid patchy finish come 7pm...
Coverage : Medium/full. For anyone who already has flawless skin you could probably opt for something with less coverage cos this feels fairly heavy on the skin compared to some other Rimmel foundations – it’s not uncomfortable but when I apply this I definitely feel like I’m wearing makeup! I've found that this takes a little while to completely "set" so I usually apply it and then faff around with anything else that needs doing before I start applying the rest of my makeup :)
Price : Around £6.99
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