Why : This gives a gorgeous radiant glow to the skin but the coverage is quite light so I wouldn’t opt for this if my skin has a lot of blemishes or redness (which is often the case unfortunately) I know a lot of people much prefer a nice matte finish to their skin but this is loaded with teensy tiny glitter particles so might not suit everyone!
Coverage : Light. As someone who has suffered from acne this is the kinda product I always wanted to use but there were maybe only a few days each month where my skin behaved well enough to allow me to get away with such light coverage. The end result is flattering, subtle and gives a lovely luminosity to the skin which I really like but if you’re after a decent coverage foundation then I don’t recommend this one
Price : Around £7.00
Other stuff : According to the packaging this gives all day coverage but I don’t think that’s the case. I usually find that I have to reapply this to my t-zone after about 5 or 6 hours
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