Why : Whether my skin is annoyingly dry, oily, spotty, blotchy or just plain dull I always find that this foundation looks fab and I’d definitely consider it one of my all time favourites
Coverage : Medium. The coverage this gives is extremely natural and I love how I don’t look too dewy or too matte. Even after a late night I find I only need a teensy bit of concealer around my eyes cos this does a great job of hiding those horrible blue-ish half moons that appear under each eye
Price : A bargaintastic £6.00
Other stuff : There are only a handful of foundations that I’ve fallen in love with over the years and this is one of them. Even when I have dry sensitive patches around my eyes and cheeks this doesn’t irritate them and if I’m in a rush and don’t have time to pick n choose specific makeup products then this is always a reliable option. Oh and the little squeezy tube is quite handy as I’m a clumsy oaf so there’s no chance of this breaking if (of course I mean when) I drop it
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