Good afternoon all, hope you're having a great day and enjoying the rather nice weather we've been having! I fancied doing a little review of Benefits High Beam because I’ve enjoyed using this highlighter so much that it’s actually replaced my usual one which was Touche Illuminatrice in Rose Universal by Bourjois
My usual highlighter - Rose Universal by Bourjois I never would have gone out and bought this because I’m really not keen on the Benefit range so I’m extremely glad I bought an extra copy of Glamour this month to get a little bottle free. I’ve used it most days since and I now cant imagine being without it! I’ve read a few reviews by people who don’t like the applicator but I think the brush is really handy! I just pop a small streak of this wherever I need it (cheeks, brow bone and cupids bow) and it takes seconds to blend

Thanks to the gorgeous weather we’ve been having recently I’ve been wearing fairly light mattifying makeup but it’s nice to have something that gives a nice healthy glow to the cheeks without making me look shiny
I use a little stripe about this size on each cheek...
...I like how it looks shimmery but not too OTT!Now that I’ve started using this I cant believe I used a powder highlighter for so long! At this time of year I generally veer away from powders because I like a nice dewy finish to my skin so it’s great to have a nice liquid alternative. I’ve noticed a few copy cats out there that have very similar packaging, shades and even names as Benefits High Beam so when I’m getting to the end of this bottle I think I’ll look around for a cheaper brand because although I like this a lot £18.50 for 15mls just seems a little bit extravagant to me :)
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