This comes in a teensy plastic squeezy bottle with a little nozzle at the top and a screw on lid. It says on the bottle that this has to be shaken before use and it's easy to see why - the water in the mixture seems to completely separate from the actual colour so you end up with a really runny liquid at the bottom and a dark gloopy ring around the top of the bottle. Nothing a vigorous shake cant rectify though
I'd like to be able to say that I absolutely love this product because it's so different to all the other blushes I use but unfortunately every good point is overshadowed by the one (HUGE!) bad one
Pros :
Colour is beautiful and really natural
Texture gives a pretty, dewy finish
You only need the smallest amount so it'll last ages
Cons :
It takes a while for this to set so regardless of how thin a layer you apply this can end up running and leaving a horrid patchy finish. I definitely recommend applying this at least 5 minutes before leaving the house so you can ensure it's set and wont start heading south the minute you leave the house. Also if you want to build the colour it's definitely best to do this in thin layers, allowing each one to dry before moving to the next :)
Costs £14.50 so it’s not exactly a bargain, esp if it’s not a product you get along with
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