As soon as I started using this I wondered how on earth I ever got along without it! Normally if I'm going for a simple soft smokey eye look I'll use a small smudge of grey eyeliner instead of my usual black ones, then I go over it with a drop of similar coloured eye shadow, but I this takes about half the time to apply and lasts ages. The shade I have is Gunmetal but I like it so much I'm tempted to treat myself to another colour or two. After payday of course!

The applicator is a long-ish flexible sponge with a little ink-well style bottle of loose powder, the powder has a slight hint of shimmer but nothing too extreme. I've been using a thin line of this just above my lash line and although it doesn’t exactly work miracles it definitely makes my eyes look a bit brighter, more defined and my lashes seem thicker and darker - but I guess that’s always a nice side-effect of applying a dark colour close to the lashes!
This works well with every eye shadow colour I've worn it with so far; from lime green to Chocolate brown (Mmmmm chocolate limes *drools*)
My one complaint is that it can be a bit messy. I'll normally take out the applicator and tap it a few times to shake off the excess powder but now n then I'll still end up with teensy specks of it on my cheeks. Hardly the end of the world or anything but I really don’t like having to tidy up my makeup once it's been done :)
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