This is what I wore to eat crepes with Victoria, Aaron, Markly, and Clarence!

Above, bow: made by me. Dress: Crossroads. Tights: Forever21. Oxfords: Payless.

I would like to recommend these tights from Forever21. They feel more like cotton than nylon. They are pretty opaque (although sometimes unevenly so, which makes this weird splotchy effect). And they cost $5.80.
Dear Victoria,

Because I was too weak to pop them out myself. Now I can be as obnoxious and hipster as I want with my lens-less glasses!
And Victoria has really good timing because right after my hot pink DKNY tights laddered... she came back from China with these:

[Edit: We ate crepes then went to the Botanical Gardens. If you ever get the chance to, go there. I like plants. And then we went to rehearsal and I was unproductive and threw Pok
émon cards on the floor with Aaron.]
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