Above, what I wore to take a walk this morning. Hair thing: scarves from Walgreens. Cardigan and pin: grandmother's. T-shirt: possibly my uncle's. Skirt: made by me with help from my grandmother. Shoes: Payless. Tights: generic.

Above, the skirt is totally kind of too see-through. That's the bottom of the t-shirt you see there. Curse you, Britex, for expensive and see-through fabric! Even if it is pretty and high quality!

Above, what I wore for Duckling's birthday/fireworks aka fog. Neck scarf thing: grandmother's. Longsleeve thermal: Old Navy, gift. Tank top: Kohl's. Jeans: Forever21. Oxfords: Payless. Hello Kitty bag: Sanrio.

Above, y'know, it took me the longest time to strategically place the heart on my face. From now on I'm not going to face the camera so directly -_- Also, I am very bad at arcade games.

Above, you can kind of see the bow that went in the back.

Above, the bow. Party in the back, baby. I also wore my red plastic Wayfarer knockoffs from Forever21, but I just realized I left them in the car so I don't have pictures. Not that you care. But whenever I wear sunglasses, I feel like people look at me and think "What a douche she probably is!"

Above, my strange story. So I wanted to wear my Forever21 jeans for the sixth (?) day in a row or something. But since I had Naan 'n' Curry yesterday they smelled like naan and curry (as does everything else I wore yesterday). So I flipped my jeans inside-out, sprayed them with Wild Honeysuckle eau de toilette (it came with some gift I received for my birthday, I think) and then let them sit overnight. Today when I put my jeans back on, I could smell myself. Wild Honeysuckle emanating from my pants. It was peculiar.
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