YesterdayFazed-Girl is sweaty after taking a shower and consequently runs around naked:

Well, close enough. Above, dress: mother's. Socks: 98-cent store. Oxfords: Payless. Red straps that are totally my bra and not a camisole or anything: you don't need to know.

Above, the heart on my face makes me look like a bird. A running bird girl.

What an uncanny resemblance.

Above, I give up. Let the damn straps show.
Fazed-Girl enjoys referring to herself in the third person and feels like she's going to go work in a steel mill and then kick some ninja ass.

Above, headband: scarf, my aunt's. Dress: mother's. T-shirt: customink, American Apparel. Leggings: Rite Aid. Socks: 98-cent store. Oxfords: Payless. Dude. I hate half-calf leggings. But it was both hot and cold. Forgive me. Plus, I hadn't intended on packing these. I was supposed to pack a few pairs of black tights, but I grabbed these by accident.

I am fierce like you wouldn't believe.


Above, my head.

Above, headband.

Above, look down!

Above, it was really effing cold. Air conditioning is deadly. Sweatshirt: senior class sweatshirt.
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