Today I went to the DMV to get a state ID. (I guess my mom finally realized how slim the chances are that I'll get my license.) Then I went to Target to get sheets for my dorm. I also went to Forever21's accessories branch, ForLove21. Here is what I wore:

Above, Secrets of Mensa t-shirt: Threadless. Printed longsleeve: JC Penney. Jeans: Forever21 (oh my gosh, yes, I
have been wearing the same pair for five days. I feel gross). Shoes: blowfish at delia's.

Above, you know, I knew this shoe height wouldn't be very flattering with skinny jeans (at least, skinny jeans with any kind of
denim stacking happy Gordon?) but I wore them anyway. Um... hello, college dressing?

Above, printed thermal. Giraffffffes! Okay, in case you were wondering, I wasn't wearing the shirt when I took this picture.

Above, for the record, I have never watched
Kill Bill. Plus, I look too ungainly to wear a pleather yellow jumpsuit or whatever it is.

Above, shoes. Hee-hee, they are called hobbit shoes. When I wear them, I feel like my feet are hairy and my fingernails are dirty, and that if I take one more step, it'll be the farthest away from home I've ever been. Because the soles feel like velveteen, I'm always afraid to wear these shoes where the floor might be wet. Like in public bathrooms. (P. S. There's a zipper on the non-button side of the shoe so it's not such a hassle to put it on. My cousin spent a good ten minutes trying to unbutton them because she didn't know.)

Above, the haul. Thanks, Ma! Top sunglasses: $7.80. Bottom sunglasses: $5.80. Hair clips: $4.80 per set. (Those were way frikkin overpriced, but then again they seem like they could survive a nuclear explosion and still be gripping your hair.)
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