Today I wore this:

Above, dress: Goodwill, shortened. Black tights: generic. Oxfords: Payless.

Above, what my feet look like because of Tater (the Welsh Corgi).

Above, my new hair clips, which cost $4.99 (rather overpriced, but I wouldn't have the patience to make these myself). They are obnoxiously cute.

Above, the tie that I got for my brother from Goodwill ($2.99). He said to get him "any cool ties." Check it out. It has battleships and fighter planes! How cool.

Above, dress from Goodwill (supposed to be $7.99 but rung up incorrectly as sleepwear for $4.49). The bottom looks all funny because the dress is actually much longer and was hemmed when I bought it, but the hemming started to come out.
So when it comes to thrifting, I've never been able to find shoes or bags. Thank you, Goodwill in [LA suburb that may or may not be where my cousin lives because we drove for so long I lost track] for this:

Above, semi-fugly bag, $4.99 from Goodwill.

The selling point:

Ahhhh... the lining...
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