Sorry that I ran into you at Target mere hours after BARTing home with you and JLiu! Wearing this:

Above, headband: Chinatown. Basketball t-shirt: from my sad days playing basketball at my K-8. Yellow shorts: childhood. Socks: gift. Rain boots: J. Crew.

Above, this picture bears a strange resemblance to this one:

I am bad and do not keep promises to myself to not go home the first week of college. Peer pressure from the 30 other people from my high school at Cal = go home.
(Dear Jeffrey, sorry for sleeping in your bed with your sheets and your pillow. But for the record I put a shirt over your pillow so I don't think I drooled on it...)
(And to the loud girl who visited Tony's dorm, I am not anyone's girlfriend.)
[EDIT: Oh, Tony, you lucky bug. This is my 300th post.

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