Well, in any case, here's what I was wore to Unit 1's dance that Tony and JLiu and I attended for about fifteen minutes until we decided the music was too lame and went back to Tony's dorm but not before freeloading their vegetables and dip.
Now I shall wax philosophical.
When people say that college is harder, I have to agree. The work is harder, but there's less of it. The material is more challenging, but professors don't assign busy work (as I have seen so far). Academically speaking I am thrilled by the challenge.
But I think it is bad that I am the kind of person who can very easily withdraw from all social activity just to do schoolwork. And I think it's even worse than I don't really mind doing it. I think Sunshine puts it best, there being two me's, Social Me and Scary Me (aka Me In School Mode).
But I take it as a good sign that I am having very little trouble adjusting.
Well, I have homework that I should be doing. So nothing's new.
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