Because Michael Phelps(!) killed the competition. .__.
Gratuitous photos, because he is a hell of an athlete.

And because he owns this body.

Damn, those are cut low.
Today was my little cousin's 6th birthday party. Here I am, festively decked out:

Above, knit hat: Xpose in the Haight. Red lei: little cousin. Sweater: grandmother's. NY t-shirt: Chinatown, New York. Jeans: Levi's 518 from Costco. Shoes: delia's. Bag: Belle Rose, Goodwill.

Above, haha. It's not every day you get to take pictures with balloons, you know.

Above and below, me undecked out.

Above, NOOGIE! How can you not love balloons?

Above, grandma's pin on grandma's sweater.

Above, socks: JCrew, gift.

Above, what I changed into for night after torturing my feet in those oxford heels shopping for my cousin's birthday present, calendars, Moleskins, underwear, pillows, and towels. Shoes: Fafi for Adidas.
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