Above, skirt: wet seal. Monster scarf: DIY. Cardigan: Uniqlo New York. Sequined tank top: INC via Buffalo Exchange. Tights: Nordstrom. Flats: Steve Madden. Bag: J. Crew.
I hadn't worn this skirt for a really long time (probably not since I bought it when I was 13 and foolishly impressionable and intent on filling my wardrobe with the entire contents of the local mall's Hot Topic because it was, you know, so cool to be alternative and I was such a radical), so I thought I should pull it out to see what I could do with it for a brief trip to the farmers' market.

I don't think it worked so well.
I just wanted to mix textures! The rather excessive tulle on the skirt seemed to call for something equally extravagant, so I went for my sequined tank top, which then led me to my monster scarf for textural balance. Perhaps I have no sense of textural balance.

Anyway, wearing this scarf always makes me want to put on a really dark lipstick. And I might need to retire this skirt.
Ahhh, wardrobe lurkers... don't we all have them? (Or was I the only one unfortunate enough to have gone through woeful adolescent phases and failed to let them go?)
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