I smiled in June because of
- Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut
- highly pigmented cheap lipstick that is equivalent to wearing a banner that says "I'm dressed! Give me what you've got, world!"
singing belting in the shower- the very nice PG&E people I talked to
- Ash Stymest (please tell me he is not real or I will develop even more unrealistic expectations for the men in my life; photos from the fashion spot)

- the new toaster!
- not slicing my finger off cutting an apple for the first time
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
- spinach and cheese omelets
- being entirely unproductive and feeling very little guilt about it
- The Omnivore's Dilemma
- the tour cast of Spring Awakening because they crack me up, and the boys of Spring Awakening because, it is true, they are infinitely cuter than puppies
- strawberries, blueberries, cherry tomatoes, nectarines, apricots, produce in general
- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
- Nutella, spread of the gods
- Coco, my cousin's new dog, because she reminds me of an excitable little old man
- steak, grilled onions, grilled okra, and biryani for a somewhat unconventional barbecue
- Hairspray music
- Breaking Dawn, or at least what I have read of it, embarrassingly enough
- San Francisco tap water, because you can actually drink it and get it in your eyes
- finishing my play, and Victoria for beta-reading
- bedhead, bedhead, bedhead!
- that there's a place off Ocean Avenue where I used to sit and talk with you
- In the Flesh, the Spring Awakening companion book
- Granny Smith apples with cinnamon
- East of Eden, which is going so so well
- edamame
- texting the same thing at the same time by accident
- my new basil plant
- Juicy Couture perfume, which dries down to something honeysuckle and heavenly
- the girl at Trader Joe's who liked my glasses
- my haircut, like hell
It just occurred to me that this post is tagged as "things i love" and "boys." I feel that every "things i love" post should include boys. I will work on this.
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