Then I forgot all about paying attention to Asian American history and went all-out Potter.
I only have eyes for HARRY!
Doodling in class. First I started with something clearly non-Potter:
Then I forgot all about paying attention to Asian American history and went all-out Potter.
Above, Draco, his imperious eyebrows, and the Vanishing Cabinet from HBP.
Above, crying Draco and Moaning Myrtle. (The scene I most want to see in HBP!)
Above, Harry to Snape, from Half-Blood Prince.
Above, Ron to Hermione, mutinously, in HBP, and a really racist Cho Chang up in the corner there.
Above, when I realized that the cow I drew earlier was totally related, because Hermione calls Pansy Parkinson "that complete cow" in OotP, although I always imagined Pansy chubby. Also, Umbridge, although I realize she should have been smiling instead. Alas!
Above, how I imagine a tiny Draco trying to get his parents to buy him something. Lucius with his pimp cane.
Above, Morfin Gaunt.
Above, Severus Snape, who is hilarious to read if you imagine everything in UMich-Musical-Snape's voice.
Above, at the end of OotP after Malfoy's been jinxed on the Hogwarts Express.
Above, a starry-eyed Won-Won.
Above, Luna, looking more like a druggie than I intended.
Above, Crabbe and Goyle at the Yule Ball looking like mossy boulders.
Above, Viktor Krum, his excellent Quidditch skills, and his mastery of the English language, which apparently does not involve articles in my mind.
Above, Harry Potter on the Dursley's doorstep, with a note from Dumbledore.
Then I forgot all about paying attention to Asian American history and went all-out Potter.

for kicks/etc.,
harry potter
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