Alas. This was an EPIC FAIL! Because
- I haven’t the first clue about girls. No, really. What are these curves you speak of? Oh, is that why the waistband doesn’t lie flat? I thought that angling it in the back would help. No? No… I guess I should go back to the same pattern I drafted years ago that has proven to be the only one that works. Note to self: Eyeballing… does not work.
- I am completely out of fabric. This is what happens when I decide to add a fatty bow to the back, thus effectively using up anything I might have used to salvage whatever Frankengarment I came up with.
- No, really, what are hips? I have some? That’s also why the zipper doesn’t lie flat? And is that why I am struggling to put this on? What do you mean measure?
(Did I just say that?)
Whatever, this is going into my bag of failure (because I have a huge bag of sewing failures) and will count as +5 EXP for me.
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