For our Asian American Studies class, our final is a group project (boo!), and my group decided to do a video project (boo!) where we performed in whiteface and yellowface, the respective white and East Asian equivalents of blackface. While I didn't get a chance to put on eyeliner to make my eyes more slanty and narrow than usual (I don't know if this even counts as yellowface, since I am yellow), I did smear my whole face with bright yellow costume makeup. I couldn't wash all of it off after filming, which is why my face is still kind of yellow.
But what really threw me is when I went home to look up yellowface performances, this series of articles titled "The 25 Most Infamous Yellowface Film Performances" from AsianWeek came up. Takeaway points:
- Christopher Lee (who was Saruman in the Lord of the Rings movies) played evil villain Fu Manchu in yellowface.
- So did Nicholas Cage.
- Marlon Brando has acted in yellowface.
- As has Katherine Hepburn.
- You'd think that a romantic comedy that is a fashion favorite involving Audrey Hepburn and "Moon River" would be a little classier, but Breakfast at Tiffany's does feature yellowface with Mickey Rooney as Mr. Yunioshi.
- A phrase that sounds totally inappropriate but is descriptive of the 1956 film The Conqueror: "John Wayne as Genghis Khan."
Not to sound all righteous and mighty, since I haven't watched any of the films blacklisted. (Yellowlisted?) Let me leave you with a snippet of Flower Drum Song, the song entitled "Chop Suey," which is both really frustrating because of the song itself and distracting because of the dresses!:
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