This blog does not nearly embody the awesomeness that is John Lennon. I mean, he is the most interesting person that I have ever been obsessed with, and I feel bad writing a blog entry about him that does not show how truly amazing he was as a person. I do, however, feel that it is necessary to mention him today, even though I am pressed for time, because it is the 29 year anniversary of the terrible tragedy of John being shot and killed. Although this entry does not do him justice, I will mention a few things about him.
First of all, John Lennon became known because he was in the legendary band called The Beatles. Ever heard of them? I am a firm believer that without John, the Beatles would have never gotten as big as they were (and still are!) But that is a whole different story.
After John became famous, he met his soulmate, Yoko Ono. He and Yoko took the world by storm with their insanely creative campaign for peace. With their Bed-Ins and Bagism interviews, they really got their point across to people all over the world that love and peace are such beautiful things and we should all strive for them.
It really is a shame that such a lovely person, who truly believed that the world could be a better place, had such a tragic fate. I know that he had so many other things up his sleeve that would have greatly benefitted our society if he was still with us. I do believe, however, that his spirit is still alive within all of us who believe in love and peace.
Let's do our best to make John and Yoko proud. Try to live your life with love and peace. It will make the world so much better.
These are also fun things we can do in memory of our favorite Beatle:
Listen to the Beatles music and John Lennon's music whenever possible.
Wear your favorite Beatles t-shirt
Check out the Imagine Peace Tower live on webcam
Check out Yoko Ono's Music on Myspace- It's really cool stuff, I love her.
Become a fan of Yoko on Facebook
Follow Yoko Ono on Twitter. She posts very inspirational things. It always brightens my day :]
Go to the bookstore and check out the books about John. There are so many amazing ones and I WANT THEM ALL!
Print out War Is Over posters and post them everywhere!
I love John Ono Lennon! and I will definitely post a better blog entry about him later!
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