
It's been quite a while since I've photographed my notes from class, so here are three gems:

what it sounds like when people sing happy birthdayAbove, quoted from a linguistics discussion during the first week of classes, I think.

deep moaning - I mean, murmured [h]Above, murmured [h], also known as breathy [h], which is basically [h] in a bedroom voice, which our professor told us to think of "as deep moaning," and which I had to practice to get right. (But now I'm much better, so I can have a phone sex career, Connie!)

Harry Potter references in linguisticsAbove, check out that sample sentence, guys. Unexpected Harry Potter references make class that much more exciting.

holiday cookies!Above, cookies from Jessica, because her mom and her mom's friends set up a system of cookie-baking to send en masse to their kids in college, where each mom baked one kind of cookie, then they combined all of them and sent out mixed bags to each child.

sad Christmas treeAbove, our apartment's dinky Christmas tree, via Kim, which we never got around to making ornaments for, and which lacks a star so Minnie stuck a... I don't know what on the top.

cutest pretzels ever, dipped in chocolate and joyously covered in sprinklesAbove, easily the cutest chocolate-dipped pretzels joyously covered in sprinkles ever, made by Kim.

cutest pretzels ever, dipped in chocolate and joyously covered in sprinklescutest pretzels ever, dipped in chocolate and joyously covered in sprinklescutest pretzels ever, dipped in chocolate and joyously covered in sprinklescutest pretzels ever, dipped in chocolate and joyously covered in sprinklesAnd what has been making me act like a kid on Christmas/a kid in a candy store:

front-load washer and dryerAbove, our new front-load washer and dryer. BLISS! Thank you, Uncle JJ!

And an AIM excerpt, because it's been ages since I've even bothered to log on, and I have priceless friends:
L: i'll send an email out
L: i was supposed to today
L: but i got caught up in making instant noodles
And this:
E: but it was breast milk, instead of white people
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