Where did this semester go? I feel like it was only a week ago I set off the fire alarm trying to boil an egg on our electric stove. (That was in August.) I'm going to warn you right now this is a very picture-heavy Things I Love.
To me, November is a month for family, food, and gratitude, which is why I gave thanks for...
- coming home to a cooked dinner
- apologizing and being forgiven
- my mother
- paper snowflakes
- Lincoln
- Jeff, Eli, Stuart, Dominique, Catalina, Benjamin, Danielle, Lee, Jake, Rose, Bridget, Danica, Maddy, Matthew, Michelle
- Chris
- my bare magazine blog interview
- Jocelyn and Erica and Jessie and Ching and Jessie's place and Jocelyn's place
- that chickdowntown published my guest post
- Running into Brittany from Work It, Berk. She's got a new camera, and things are looking go-o-orgeous!
- late night grocery runs with Kim
- Ben for offering me his water
- the Love's Labour's Lost set, and us all stopping to admire it, and Ben's two-hand shoulder touch and "Wow" because I totally go crazy for that kind of thing
- when the bus arrives
- guacamole
- Bryan's haircut. Seriously, once you take away that mane of hair, that boy has a Face.
- epic pot pie with Kim
- realizations about myself and how I love
- cooking with my mum and preparing for Thanksgiving
- our epic Thanksgiving menu
- my mother's birthday earrings from etsy seller redheart13
- Kevin, who is a fucking genius
- Kim, Minnie, and Jessica, and eating at Jessica's sorority house
- yellow and her utterly priceless blog
- singing people in general, and UCSC's Cloud 9
- waking up to no alarm
- phone calls with Ling Ling
- locking eyes from across the room
- Brittany and Christina (who shall henceforth be mentioned as Xtina)
- rehearsals with Lee
- our apartment's public gratitude list
- "At least you're wearing something cute today"
- Lincoln for bothering to lay out arguments about the protest for me
- feeling like there is someone I can ask the big questions
- Jennie, Erin, Christina, Xtina, Vai, Liz, Brittany, Diane, Helen, Katie, Ami, and blogger meetups
- actually knowing what was going on during Muscle Orchestra, Part II
- our GSIs for somehow being able to read a spectrogram and come up with what we said. ("Make the final easy. Go Bears.") Um, wow.
Okay, this is a recording of me and not the one they used, but still. This says something?! And I have to be able to do this on the final?!
- whoever the guy on his bike checking me out all the way down College was
- Benjamin for play-poke-tickling me during critiques. It reminds me an awful, awful lot of this guy I dubbed The Unicorn.
- Doulos SIL, something you cannot understand until you've had to do linguistics homework

- Connie
- Lee giving me a ride, the entire block and a half back to my apartment, while blasting Green Day
- getting feedback on Burn This because (let's face it) I am proud of Lee
- getting really, really positive feedback on my Search and Destroy monologue
- Glee... if for nothing but THE SCHUSTER
MRAWR. What would you do for an A?...
- Allondra, Uncle Peter, and discussing the UC fee increase protests with Frank
- old school songs, BSB, N*SYNC, and apple pie-making with my cousin
- Genieve, N8, Sebastian, Anelissa, Uncle Francis, my brother
- Taboo Extreme with the cousins, played with a Nerf gun held to your head. Every time you say a Taboo word you get shot. We take our Taboo very seriously.
- UNCLE FRANCIS: (for the word "juvenile") It rhymes with John!
- BENJI: I want this... SEBASTIAN: Intercourse?
- SEBASTIAN: You put... currency into this... ceramic... animal
- Tater and Coco (I didn't take these photos of Tater, and sadly enough I have no photos of Coco, but imagine a girl-dog who looks like an excitable old man and acts like an excitable little boy, and that's Coco.)
What's Beethoven's favorite fruit? BA-NA-NA-NA.
- that old feeling of picking through hand-me-downs like searching for treasure
- realizing that even really attractive people aren't perfectly attractive
- that there is a Mundari word that means "sound, sight, or motion of a fat person's buttocks rubbing together as they walk" (Evans & Levinson, 2009, thank you Professor Garrett)
And finally, I bring you November's Lookers. Prepare yourself for UNF!
The inimitable Ash Stymest. No seriously, his face. Is. Poetry.
Do I even need to say anything?
All right, this is not Ash Stymest, and I really should know who this is, but I don't. If anyone could enlighten me, that would be wonderful. Or you could just deeply appreciate his hair and eyes.
I always feel really inappropriate about Hugh Grant because how old is he? But still. So. Adorable. I cannot be stopped. Plus, it's winter, which means it's almost time for Love Actually marathons, which means Hugh Grant is adorable let's not argue here.
DanRad, being hilarious and thus attractive. Oh, and playing Harry Potter helps.
Hayden Christensen, who is an atrocious actor.
James. Franco. What a MAN.
I'm just all sorts of inappropriate, aren't I? But really! Really. Can anyone say no to Taylor Lautner? UNFFFF.
I swear this is like the Holy Grail of all Jake Gyllenhaal pictures. If you weren't a fan before, I hope you've been converted. UNF!
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