This last Things I Love for 2009 is a miniature, ruthlessly edited recap of why I loved December:
- Air high fives with Lee, and our scene
- My Indian roommate learning to write Chinese
- Lisa and early early early phone calls about homework
- Amman for doing my linguistics project with me
Above, Amman saying “Your face is very beautiful,” from the prosody section of my report.- Seeing a hummingbird on my way out of class
- Will, my GSI, who is a fount of practical advice and curious vocabulary words
- Joce, Liz, and Erica for letting Kim and me shower at their place (and Jessie and Ching, whom we ran into)
- Michelle, Maddy, Jeff, Danica, Ben, Danielle, Stuart
- Lincoln and Tony for dealing with my crisis-ing at its worst and at ungodly hours
- Really nice sales associates, especially during Christmas season
- Past Me for having enough foresight to record my qualms (using FutureMe) about the educational path I told myself I wanted, and to send them to my future self at exactly the right time, and massive revelations about my choice of major
- Onigiri-making with Connie
Above, photo of misshapen onigiri lifted off Connie's blog. I must admit I am responsible for the one that looks like a landing strip.- My uncle’s reaction (the manly version of squealing) when he opened his (extremely cold) Christmas present, which was 5 pounds of frozen Top Dog hot dogs in lemon chicken (his favorite)
- That I have stopped asking myself if some people are Sure Things
- My family
And we’ll finish off this year with a few fi-i-ine male specimens:

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