So thanks to Cathy and Amanda, two of my plays are going to be performed this year! This may be minor news to you, but for me, there is a very limited number of things more satisfying than seeing something you thought would only ever be words on a page become an actual performance that (at least a handful of) people take seriously. (The necessary handful being the director(s) and actors.)
The first one, I wrote last year. It’s a crack!script riddled with Shakespeare references taken out of context and involves a man in love with a portrait of Shakespeare, a girl who pads her butt, and a lot of tragic death.
The second one, I just finished this past month. It’s about Harry Potter being treated like the Bible (this premise is TK’s, not mine, but he wanted to write a book with me about it and it never happened…so I stole it), but is really just a thinly veiled criticism of blind followers of religion (blind followers, not just followers) and sounds awfully Melchi Gabor, if you ask me. If it’s any indication, I’ve had “All That’s Known” stuck in my head for a while now. Anyway, I am stupidly happy with this one because it is the longest play I have written to date, it is serious, and it is plotty. Much plottier than anything I have ever written.
The point is, one of my friends Nate has been cast in both of them:

I get all warm and fuzzy inside knowing that the same friend who dedicated a slightly off-key rendition of “Grand Theft Autumn” to me is going to be playing a Creeper who has a sick interest in children and an extremely lecherous man named René!