This is why I should smile in my pictures.
Above, sweater: Old Navy, mother's. Fake pashmina: New York street vendor. T-shirt: Forever21, gift. Pants: GAP, gift. Bag: secondhand, thrifted. Shoes: Harajuku Lovers.

I'm pretty sure this isn't apparent to anyone else, but this is one of my favorite color schemes. I mean royal blue and hot pink. As I have worn before. Such as for Senior Boat. Which is apparent to no one because I went for a hot pink lip, which nobody ever notices anyway.

(Yes, I do Facebook stalk myself and crop unnecessary people out of pictures of me.)
(...I'm looking at my current pictures at the top and this one from senior year here, and trying to figure out if these are the same people.
...Yes, yes they are. Apparently, a desexualizing haircut makes very little difference in what I think of my dazzlingly good looks. You know, dazzling, because I am a vampire.)
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