- watermelon via Marc, with extra thanks because Mariah got really excited when I told her we had watermelon in our fridge
- dyeing Nuri's hair, because even if he ended up looking like a blond hedgehog, he looked like a festive blond hedgehog, and I haven't seen him for a while
- sleeping with no pants on and not being judged for it
- babies, because we don't get them around much in college, and I love laughing babies
- Amman during my supermassive
black holeheadache - skipping logic lecture and being about thirty times more productive because of it
- Jessie! With exclamation points! Because she is that exciting!
- Ma-ri-ah, like you wouldn't believe
- Evan, who I forgot existed and is, indeed, still a total stud
- Special Topics in Calamity Physics
- blisters from swinging on monkey bars at the playground
- linguistics, because it is so painless to study
- taking this relaxation thing really, really seriously (...and watching Spring Awakening videos for two hours to make it official that I was done studying for ESPM)
- Jergens Daily Glow, because my pasty legs never looked this healthy and smelled so good
- the pigeon that landed in our windowsill, because it proves that under pressure, I don't think; I scream
- bralessness
- Lincoln for not screwing up my summer registration (he screwed it up for someone else with almost the same ID as I have)
- Nude Sushi
- PopCo
- Bryan for being so convinced that Crossroads' serving orange chicken was a sign that God loves him and fate is on his side
- Speaker for the Dead
- chocolate milk at a greasy diner
- my mother, my mother, my mother, because I am a child
- that redic-ly, male-model-cute guy making eyes at me near bloomingdale's
- Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
- Rose, who, worrisomely, I think is totally hot
- Kite Runner
- having a mother who goes out early in the morning to buy Granny Smith apples and fruit juice because you mentioned a craving for them the night before
- Turkish coffee ice cream from Polly Ann's
- Auntie Imelda's curry
- rediscovering the utter MAGIC that is Harry Potter
- garage and estate sales, because I didn't realize how much I missed this
- the ridiculously expensive, free dinner with ridiculously expensive people thanks to Philip
- CLAY POT, which is totally my version of comfort food
I almost forgot.
Things I was thankful for in May:

things i love
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