- The prettiest butter I have ever seen, at Sunday Suppers.
- From the author of The Demon's Lexicon, a tragic short story/backstory on one character. It tugs at my heartstrings, it really does, which is saying something because I got invested in little Gerald in such a short amount of time. Of text.
- yellow is bangin'
- "It’s not surprising I look 16 – in my head I still feel 16 – and that feels a good age to be. I’ve never had to grow up. I’m still a big kid really." I forgot Rupert Grint was 20.
- Emma Watson is a darling. "When I was little, I didn’t understand that other kids thought I actually was Hermione, really geeky. It was devastating. I thought no one would ever fancy me."
The links have not been feeling loved lately, so here you go:

trawling: link roundup
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