Big Brother... home! Wore this for on Friday for... a trip to the Haight / the military surplus store / should I buy an aviation pin? / should I buy this giant wooden necklace? / chips and salsa / chocolate-covered bananas / chocolate-covered apple slices / mini corn dogs / cousins (this word is magic to me).
Above, coat: delia's. Sweater: K-8 school uniform. T-shirt: Old Navy men's. Jeans: Old Navy, mother's + DIY. Tights: generic. Shoes: Payless.
Above, what I was originally going to wear until I realized how windy it was, which lead to me grabbing my red plaid coat, which led to me ditching the red plaid Blowfish shoes from delia's.
Above, my hair is getting really gross. I swear my head is not a flat plane in the back. I don't know how to contour the back of my hair to my skull, though.
Above, my butt.
Above, me surprised or about to trip... anyway, my t-shirt is awesome because I bought it with Connie.

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