I haven't worn this hoodie for a
really long time because it is difficult to wash sequins, and because I retired every red item of clothing when the school year started. Ahhh, the summer freedom of wearing Stanford colors again...

Also, this shirt is older than I am.
This is me failing to do a "Totally Fucked"-esque pose for the 7th or 8th time (when people started wondering what that really loud thumping noise was (me hitting the ground before the flash went off)). I just look like I'm really eager to find a toilet.

How they get so airborne I will never understand. Especially since there are chairs in the way. What the hell, Ben Moss, how did you get so far from your chair? What the
hell, Matt Shingledecker?! Even more what the hell, Blake Bashoff, how are your legs bent that way? How do you defy gravity? The laws of physics do not apply to Blake.

This is me, upset that the laws of physics apply to my hair, but not Blake's.


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