I also bought these little socks to wear this summer with bare legs so I can stop borrowing my mom's socks:
fate steps in and sees you through
MY GRAY THIGH-HIGH DREAMS HAVE COME TRUE. Today I am thankful that SockDreams miraculously had extra pairs of their Super Basics in a charcoal small lying around in their warehouse.

They stay up REALLY well. And go higher than the bottom hem of my underskirt shorts. That is how long they are. STUPENDOUS! BEFUDDLING! BAMBOOZLING!
I also bought these little socks to wear this summer with bare legs so I can stop borrowing my mom's socks:

I also bought this from Ross for $5.50:
Awful? Awesome? Both? YOU KNOW IT.
I also bought these little socks to wear this summer with bare legs so I can stop borrowing my mom's socks:

young and broke
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