The chase is on, boy; but I haven’t even seen you yet - or met you.
I’m tired of hovering above the crowds and stands, always on edge. I’m tense because I’m afraid that I’ll catch only a glimmer of your perfection before another girl steals you away.
Please. Fly in my direction. I’d hate to let Gryffindor down.
The summer that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was released, some of my theater friends and I decided to throw a birthday party for Harry (7/31!) with Harry Potter-themed games, food, and gifts. I brought a Forever21 ring with an attempt at the Deathly Hallows symbol scratched into it (it was only 10 days after the book release! I was pressed for time!) and corned beef sandwiches à la Ron on the Hogwarts Express.
My friend Victoria baked a Golden Snitch cake and I ended up with her gift, a Golden Snitch necklace.
Suffice to say, you guys are my favorite.
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