- If You Really Pay Attention
- "Whenever I had to speak to my ninth grade English teacher (when I was 14-years-old), he held the conversation with my third button..." [Orchids in Buttonholes]
- Eating Well On $1 A Day
- Real Advice Hurts - something you have to learn firsthand
- #492: The first text message between new friends [1000 Awesome Things]
- "I find myself classifying (fashion) blogs into good and bad."
- Holy EAR CUFFS, Batman! [Style Hurricane]
- "One of the most fascinating things about Lady Gaga is her unique ability to separate female nudity from sex. True, she appears nearly naked on a nearly daily basis but, unlike other pop stars, when she’s naked, she’s not doing it to turn people on." [Splice Today]
- Taking Type to the Next Level with Alternate Characters
- How to Afford Anything
- "When we stop waiting for someone else to come along and make something happen for us, everything moves a lot quicker." [The Art of Non-Conformity]
- 29 things I learned about life and love [Rich Grad]
- How to Get More Done in Less Time [The Skool of Life]
- If You're Nervous About Quitting Your Boring Job, Don't Do It [Study Hacks]
- 100 Ways to Develop Your Mind [Change Your Thoughts]
- 30 Habits That Will Change Your Life [Freestyle Mind]
- The Little Rules of Action [zen habits]
- I See France [The Storque]
- springtime again
Here is a small link dump. (Secretly, I only do these so I can clear out my own bookmarks folder.) I suspect that most of these come from Gala Darling's Carousels, or from College Fashion's Hautelinks or IFB's Links à la Mode. But I do love me a good link roundup.

trawling: link roundup
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