P. S. According to Wiki and the first several Google results, Vachetta leather is untreated, so it'll turn colors if you use waterproofing agents on it. The color naturally darkens over time, and if you scuff it (as I have done above), a regular white eraser will get the dark streaks out. (You have to rub pretty hard, though.)
sweater girl
No, okay, this is the total opposite of sweater girl, given that this sweater is baggy and appears ill-fitting (it's the style, I promise) and I am kind of flat-chested, but I could not care less because this sweater is older than I am (as many things are) and I love it. (Thanks, Ma.)

Above, pink beret: hat store in New York. Sweater: hand-me-down, mother's. Floral dress: hand-me-down, aunt's. White tee: Target. Brown (I promise they're brown) tights: Costco. Socks: mother's. Shoes: Kork-Ease Isabel. Rings, left to right: lavender rhinestones, Claire's; mood ring with hearts, found in a bathroom and decided it was mine because my friend had given me a ring from Disneyworld and I took it off in the bathroom to wash my hands at Rainforest Cafe and walked away for two minutes before I remembered I left it there and someone stole it and this ring was totally karmic payback; star ring #1, Claire's; star ring #2 aka pinky ring of hilarity, Claire's, gift from my brother.
P. S. According to Wiki and the first several Google results, Vachetta leather is untreated, so it'll turn colors if you use waterproofing agents on it. The color naturally darkens over time, and if you scuff it (as I have done above), a regular white eraser will get the dark streaks out. (You have to rub pretty hard, though.)
P. S. According to Wiki and the first several Google results, Vachetta leather is untreated, so it'll turn colors if you use waterproofing agents on it. The color naturally darkens over time, and if you scuff it (as I have done above), a regular white eraser will get the dark streaks out. (You have to rub pretty hard, though.)

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