When this charming container of Pinaud-Clubman men's shaving cream peered up at me from amidst his shiny new Garnier Fructis, Tag, Nexxus, Johnson's, and Schick brethren, my first thought was "On which trip to China did we get this for free?" immediately followed by "How old is that?"

Turns out the company also sells
Moustache Wax (that I would've spelled as "mustache" like the 3rd grade spelling bee told me to) and has been around since 1810. Go figure. I wonder if I should've heard of this before.
Anyway, not to be completely irreverent, but this is the most cartoonish rosary I have ever seen:

Kind of charming, actually.
And lastly, a preserved egg:
According to Wiki, "Through the process, the yolk becomes a dark green, cream-like substance with a strong odor of sulphur and ammonia, while the white becomes a dark brown, transparent jelly with little flavor." Doesn't that make it sound extra appetizing? But this is the first time I've actually seen the flowery/branchy design blossoming in the egg.
Cool beans.
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