I wore this to go for a walk and break in my Levi's 518s, which I must say are not doing a lot for my butt. (Really, what's with the pocket placement? There's no need to space them that far apart horizontally, and most of the world would benefit from pockets placed slightly higher. My Forever21 jeans do not present this problem, although perhaps that is because I think F21 has a huge tiny-Asian-girl-with-no-butts customer base.)
Above, jacket: gift. Necklace: DIY. Jeans: Levi's. Shoes: Diesel. Socks: Hello Kitty, gift.
This necklace doesn't work or clash (that badly) with what I'm wearing, so I don't know what to think. Something along the lines of neutrality. Also, these are what Ching calls my ugly shoes, but I've always had a bit of a thing for that childish, disproportionately-large-footed silhouette.
Not gonna lie, they are kind of ugly.

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