I'll repeat once again that this blog is more for me than anything, which is why I will use blogger as a convenient place to store my photos that I don't want in high res anymore. I promise this will be a boring post.
And here is the photo dump from the NEW KIDS! at the de Young:
Above, wood.
Above, and more wood.
Above, this is really cool in person. I'm so articulate.
Above, I like how the wooden slats change in width.
Above, last one.
Above, a thing my camera obviously did not focus on. It makes me think of Jell-o.
Above, again.
Above, I'm not sure which way this photo goes, so just look at it.
Above, more shiny.
Above, this is getting repetitive, don't you think?
Above, cool beans!
Above, cool beans and Ling-Ling's supremely tan arm.
Above, head thing.
Above, more head thing.
Above, last of the head thing, and clearly the coolest part.
Above, I am going to guess this is part of the exhibit, too. If it's not, then I aimed my camera at the wall/ceiling for nothing.
Above, this too. I feel like light/shadow/sculpture installations like this should have their own rooms.
Above, aaaand more.
Above, last one.
Above, 2-D meets 3-D.
Above, use of materials!
Above, fused glass, I think. Makes me think of a giant clam.
Above, collage, and oh my God, the colors.
Above, collage and sweet Jesus, the colors.
Above, collage and [other holy invocation], the colors.
Above, this makes me think of MIA + A Clockwork Orange, but I'm not sure why.
Above, this sort of makes me feel gross (see next photo).
Above, because it looks like this close up.
Above, church or cathedral thing made out of bullets and... other things. I have a way with words.
Above, side entrance.
Above, front of the building and... Ling-Ling's supremely tan arm.
Above, Ling-Ling's picture because my camera battery died. I don't know hwy there's a tooth there, but it looks gross.
Above, not my picture again.
Above, I found it interesting that this is clearly a Catholic church.
Above, messy colorgasm.
Above, colorgasm (but no cleanup necessary).
Above, this is just gross. And such a strange decision to make this scene resemble stained glass.
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