...but it was too hot to wear pants, so I said, "Screw the world they will deal with my stubble I am wearing a dress suckers." Good thing, because it became a conversation point when I was meeting people in my theater class. (Well, it was for Benjamin, anyway, who was dressed like a leprechaun because of the heat. (He only had one pair of shorts, which happened to match his neon green t-shirt.) I felt his pain.)
Above, floral dress: Goodwill + DIY bubble hem. Striped socks: dollar store. White canvas shoes: Payless.
I did the bubble hem on this dress the only way I know how (with two layers) to achieve the look I want. But because I'm not a very good seamstress, the left side of the dress is shorter than the right (in the picture). I try to compensate by wearing the elastic crooked on my waist, but it doesn't quite work.

Usually I just hope people are too preoccupied with the bright blue floral print to notice. See me making myself look as large as possible to scare away
mountain lions people who might notice the crookedness?

Wearing tennis shoes with a dress always brings to mind the 1950s and saddle shoes and poodle skirts. Anyway.

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