1. Tell us about yourself (age, occupation, interests, hobbies).
I'm an 18-year-old college student who likes to pay children's fare whenever I can get away with it. I am a total nerd and like blogging, theater, thrifting, crafting, optimism, free things, Harry Potter, and leaping in front of cameras.
I pass time by thinking too much, pretending I can dress myself, and making lists.
2. What do you love most about fashion?
Most unfortunately, what I love most about fashion is the same as the sample entry's, but I'll try to state it in my own words.
I believe that what you wear is a visual statement. It says, this is who I am. This is how I choose to present myself. This is how much I care what impression I am making. It's the most immediate and accessible way of communicating what you want to stand for and how you self-identify. It tells people if you are fearless, if you are ready to face the world and kick its ass, or if you feel like blending in. It can be a test kit for experiments, it can be playful, it can be powerful. It is always a statement of or against or about your sexuality, and as part of the population that possesses breasts and child-bearing hips, I feel empowered knowing that I can use fashion for my own ends.
All that being said, I don't think dressing down is necessarily a bad thing. It could be your way of saying, I don't care about you enough to look good for you, but it can just as easily be a visual I trust you to take me the way I am when I'm not ready to face the rest of the world.
And I love that fashion is a way for all of us to find which chords we want to strike and how to do it.
3. Which chickdowntown.com designer is your favorite, and why?
After waxing philosophical, this one is a doozy. I really like BB Dakota, if for nothing but this jacket:

But seriously, they are killing the florals in the best way possible:

Furthermore, their line is quite a bit more affordable than a lot of other designer labels, and it's always painfully on-trend. Double win.
4. What is your favorite chickdowntown.com item?
If you know me at all, you'd know that my answer to this is going to be 1) vintage and 2) borderline hideous, which is why I have little shame in admitting that I really want this, which is, heartbreakingly, already sold:
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