Breaking in skinny jeans is really uncomfortable for me (I have difficulty bending at the knees and experience cut-off circulation if I try to stay in one bent position for too long), but I consider it a necessary evil, like... flossing my teeth. See my look of resignation?
Above, gray t-shirt: no clue. Gray cardigan: Uniqlo. Tote bag: J. Crew. Jeans: Levi's. Shoes: Payless.
I can't read French, nor do I ride bicycles. I wonder if this makes me a poseur with no respect for France, French people, the French language, and cyclists, or if this means I like canvas tote bags that cost $4.99 from J. Crew.
Went to Chutney with Ling-Ling (who is a panda with a spring roll), was not blown away by the chicken korma or lamb tikka masala, though both were pretty good, ran into Jessie, complained and thought aloud for 3 hours, home: satisfying.

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