In preparation for returning to school, I prepared a Letter-Writing Kit for myself consisting of envelopes, postcards, postcard stamps, Forever stamps, stickers, and mini stationery sheets. I figure that if I have the postage and paper ready (except binder paper, which is what I usually use for long letters, but which I also usually have lying around), I’ll be more likely to actually mail things out this year. We’ll see how it goes.
If, unlike me, you weren’t an avid letter-writer as a child and don’t have a drawer full of stationery and stickers emblazoned with sparkly Hello Kitties and Tare Pandas, here are some Etsy picks for you, starting with stationery:
Above, Icypole Letter Writing Set - Printable PDF by KennyPow, $5 on etsy
Above, Kokeshi Doll Mini Letterhead Set by StephanieFizer, $10 on etsy
Above, R a i n y D a y L o u i s e printable stationery by hollydoodle, $3 on etsy
Above, Cupcakes Vanilla and Chocolate - 5 note cards by ilovedielines, $3 on etsy
Envelop those letters of love with the most exciting envelopes you will ever find:
Above, Fall ENVYlope envelope set by travelinmama, $5.50 on etsyAnd seal with a kiss. Or skeleton keys, or pictures of men, or scary deer, or crowns, or map-hearts. The usual.
Above, Skeleton Key Stickers and Envelope Seals by seasonaldelights, $4.75 on etsy
Above, your new boyfriend handmade sticker set - special sailor edition by nowvember, $7 on etsy
Above, Vintage Deer and Fawn Handcut Stickers by shop66, $5.50 on etsy
Above, CROWN THAT by BrambleberryLane, $2.95 on etsy
Above, set of 20 map heart stickers by picklehead, $5.50 on etsyThere's nothing like receiving something physical in the mail that isn't a catalog or a message from your bank of a friendly reminder that "It's time for your checkup!" Seeing an envelope, a letter, with your address and your name and a message that someone wrote just for you in handwriting familiar enough to recall a voice with all its inflections is stupidly satisfying. It's like, someone took a writing utensil and formed letters on a piece of paper just for me.
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