It's make or break
And so draws to a close my spring break.
Thoughts of neon, florals, college, high heels, and tiaras float through my head.
I recently discovered how to use bobby pins. Call me pathetic. Look at the ridiculous pile of hair on my head! And the flyaways! And the lumpiness! And the glasses that are too big for my face that I wear anyway because they make me feel very Yeah I Know I'm Wearing Really Big Glasses!
And this is hilarious (click for big version):
Ah, VG Cats.
Time to start my second timed essay.
Thoughts of neon, florals, college, high heels, and tiaras float through my head.
I recently discovered how to use bobby pins. Call me pathetic. Look at the ridiculous pile of hair on my head! And the flyaways! And the lumpiness! And the glasses that are too big for my face that I wear anyway because they make me feel very Yeah I Know I'm Wearing Really Big Glasses!

Time to start my second timed essay.

for kicks/etc.,
Cheeseburger In A Can
via The AV Club.
Best excerpt:
Best excerpt:
"It's like Upton Sinclair nightmare bratwurst."I love historical/literary references. See the original post here.

for kicks/etc.
Public Service Announcements
My first embedded video.
And this disturbingly hilarious (and kind of inappropriate) video which is available on the page of the original article if you don't want to log into YouTube (number 8). You have been warned.
My first embedded video.
And this disturbingly hilarious (and kind of inappropriate) video which is available on the page of the original article if you don't want to log into YouTube (number 8). You have been warned.

trawling: link roundup
This is my LOOK HOW EARLY IT IS! post.
Here is my current wishlist:
Here is my current wishlist:
- hot pink and bright yellow jeans
- ridiculous, giant necklaces
- Shrinky Dink
- fabric dye
- fake flowers and a cheap headband
- a t-shirt that says "PRETENTIOUS"
- a necklace with a pendant of a snake, gun, airplane, tree/branch
- flouncy high-waisted skirts
- plastic aviators
- a bandage miniskirt or dress
- new compact mirror
- gray tights
- heart-shaped sunglasses
math skillsmy spring break back

glorified wishlist
Oh, WetSeal

for kicks/etc.
I want to be a Bruin
I want to be one of 38,000. I want to celebrate blue and gold. I want to participate in the Undie Run. It would give me an excuse to find ruffled boyshorts.
Y'know I just realized that I am one out of the 60ish (I say 60ish because I know the final class size will be around 65, but I don't know how many students they accept and how many students decline their admission) applicants chosen for UCLA's undergrad theater program. Out of 1500ish applicants. Uh, that's a 4% admit rate. Uh, EXPLETIVE. While most of those 1500 are acting applicants, that 4% still scares me.
My mom still wants me to look at Cal. I should stop complaining. What an opportunity I would be throwing away, though, if I didn't go to LA.
People not familiar with the UCs should ignore all these college posts. Guh.
College is simultaneously the most amazing and terrifying thing I have yet faced. I can't even cook eggs.
Y'know I just realized that I am one out of the 60ish (I say 60ish because I know the final class size will be around 65, but I don't know how many students they accept and how many students decline their admission) applicants chosen for UCLA's undergrad theater program. Out of 1500ish applicants. Uh, that's a 4% admit rate. Uh, EXPLETIVE. While most of those 1500 are acting applicants, that 4% still scares me.
My mom still wants me to look at Cal. I should stop complaining. What an opportunity I would be throwing away, though, if I didn't go to LA.
People not familiar with the UCs should ignore all these college posts. Guh.
College is simultaneously the most amazing and terrifying thing I have yet faced. I can't even cook eggs.

sam's school of life
Disappointment never smelled so sweet
So I bought a copy of Lucky at the airport because the last page had a sample of The Beat (new Burberry perfume of which Agyness Deyn is the face) and because I have a girlcrush on Aggy and I really like Burberry London. I rubbed it all over my wrists and waited.
I am disappointed. It smells way too sweet.
I am disappointed. It smells way too sweet.

An Open Letter
Dear David Archuleta,
Despite your really strange song choice last week, and despite my being in the bathroom puking just as you came on, please, take me to prom. Marry me. Serenade me outside my window. I turn eighteen in September, but you're only three months behind. Take me to a fifties'-style diner. We can share a milkshake and curly fries. In case you ever read this, here are pictures of you, because you should love you as much as I love you.

Now I just need a non-pedophilic picture of you looking coy, and you will exceed all levels of adorable-ness ever achieved before.
Despite your really strange song choice last week, and despite my being in the bathroom puking just as you came on, please, take me to prom. Marry me. Serenade me outside my window. I turn eighteen in September, but you're only three months behind. Take me to a fifties'-style diner. We can share a milkshake and curly fries. In case you ever read this, here are pictures of you, because you should love you as much as I love you.

Now I just need a non-pedophilic picture of you looking coy, and you will exceed all levels of adorable-ness ever achieved before.

I am dry
I need lotion.
Please watch the One Semester of Spanish Spanish Love Song video.
I want to write technical manuals. My first one will be a guide for blue-collar workers. I will call it The Manual Labor Manual.
I just had a very weird experience in the shower. One of our shower doors is broken (they're the sliding kind), so my mom stuck a sign on it that says "Do not touch this door!" She used the back of a bad copy of my APES field study draft, so when you're in the shower, you can read my field study taped to the shower door. It's especially weird when it's slightly fogged up.
I also accidentally sprayed myself in the eye with some Victoria's Secret body spray. I don't like Victoria's Secret body spray. My fourteen-year-old self thought it was sophisticated, or something, so I have a ton of it and tons of Victoria's Secret Unmoisturizing But Heavily Scented Lotions.
I should do homework.
Please watch the One Semester of Spanish Spanish Love Song video.
I want to write technical manuals. My first one will be a guide for blue-collar workers. I will call it The Manual Labor Manual.
I just had a very weird experience in the shower. One of our shower doors is broken (they're the sliding kind), so my mom stuck a sign on it that says "Do not touch this door!" She used the back of a bad copy of my APES field study draft, so when you're in the shower, you can read my field study taped to the shower door. It's especially weird when it's slightly fogged up.
I also accidentally sprayed myself in the eye with some Victoria's Secret body spray. I don't like Victoria's Secret body spray. My fourteen-year-old self thought it was sophisticated, or something, so I have a ton of it and tons of Victoria's Secret Unmoisturizing But Heavily Scented Lotions.
I should do homework.

for kicks/etc.,
sam's school of life
Is it a blogger courtesy to reply to comments in your own comments section? Is there a blogger code of conduct?
In other news, Obama is leading in current Gallup polls.
And this is probably the best sweepstakes I've ever heard of: "Awkward Moments" sponsored, I think, by NBC.
And here's an outfit:
Above, turtleneck: mother's. Necklace: Urban Outfitters, gift. Green slip: FCUK, vintage. Pants: Gap, gift. Socks: gift. Wow, this is like a free outfit.
I believe that means "the good life" in French.
In other news, Obama is leading in current Gallup polls.
And this is probably the best sweepstakes I've ever heard of: "Awkward Moments" sponsored, I think, by NBC.
And here's an outfit:


adventures in the blogosphere,
need to sleep
Y'know, San Francisco is an awful lot colder than LA.
I got into Cal. It came out before 5 PM. Just goes to show how all the speculation about when decisions come out is really just speculation.
I got into Cal, but I think I'm going to UCLA.
I can't stop smiling.
I think I'm going to hack out a lung soon.
Can I do theater for the rest of my life? Do I suck at it? Can I make money? I don't know. In the words of Miss Elphaba,
I got into Cal. It came out before 5 PM. Just goes to show how all the speculation about when decisions come out is really just speculation.
I got into Cal, but I think I'm going to UCLA.
I can't stop smiling.
I think I'm going to hack out a lung soon.
Can I do theater for the rest of my life? Do I suck at it? Can I make money? I don't know. In the words of Miss Elphaba,
"It's time to trust my instincts,
Close my eyes and leap."
Close my eyes and leap."
[edit: This post did not sound so incoherent to me when I wrote it.]

sam's school of life
To clear out my camera
Here are all my "it seemed like a good idea at the time" or "please forgive me for not sleeping" outfits, mostly from sophomore and junior years:

Above, headband: gift. Dark green longsleeve: Old Navy. Chopped up t-shirt: Cirque du Soleil (Varekai). Belt: Old Navy. Chopped up maroon corduroys: something from Macy's. Pink tights: Hue, Nordstrom. This outfit is awfully chopped up. While the colors are nice, they don't show very well in this picture, and the proportions are so awkward.

Above, headband: Chinatown. Turtleneck: mother's, from some department store. Slip: vintage. Tights: generic drugstore brand. Socks: HotSox, Macy's. This outfit is so BULGE-y. I look really awkward.

Above, green plaid shirt: friend's, secondhand, gift, sort of. T-shirt: Threadless (She Doesn't Even Realize). Pink tank top: Kohl's. Jeans: Ross (yes, they are literally falling apart). Socks: dollar store. Neck scarf thing: grandmother's. I wish somebody had told my sad, sorry self that one knot of fabric under the bust was enough and that I didn't need another one around my neck to complete the nu-rave cowboy look.

Above, cardigan: delia's. T-shirt: Lady Foot Locker, printed by me. White longsleeve: Old Navy. Orange thing peeking out: tank top from Kohl's. Jeans: Levi's. Socks: Target. Okay, okay. I can justify why my shirt makes me sound like a prostitute. My friend's name is Clarence, so online my friends and I often end up typing Clearance instead, hence Clearance, Clearance Sale, Sale. So for his birthday we printed matching t-shirts (with my amazing Speedball silkscreen starter kit :D) in various colors that said For Sale and wore them when we ambushed him on the pretense of "a tennis date" with another friend. The dollar sign cardigan seemed appropriate for the occasion. But nothing explains the weird puckering or built-in wrinkles or whatever is radiating from the crotch of my jeans. (Well the fact that I bought them from Costco without trying them out might have something to do with it.) But yeah, this is kind of ugly, if festive.

Above, turtleneck: mother's. Dress: Haight Ashbury somewhere. Jeans: Levi's. Socks: Target. Agh! The proportions! I had no sense of proportions! Nice colors on top, match the socks. That dress though - not with jeans! Ever again!

Above, dress shirt: Old Navy. Belt: mother's, from a shirt she bought just for the belt. Skirt: made by me. Tights: Hue, Nordstrom. Socks: HotSox, Macy's. Proportions, proportions, proportions! Although I do like the vertical stripes of the shirt with the 45 degree stripes of the skirt. I was thinking that day.
This post is getting depressingly long. There will probably be a Part II.

Above, headband: gift. Dark green longsleeve: Old Navy. Chopped up t-shirt: Cirque du Soleil (Varekai). Belt: Old Navy. Chopped up maroon corduroys: something from Macy's. Pink tights: Hue, Nordstrom. This outfit is awfully chopped up. While the colors are nice, they don't show very well in this picture, and the proportions are so awkward.

Above, headband: Chinatown. Turtleneck: mother's, from some department store. Slip: vintage. Tights: generic drugstore brand. Socks: HotSox, Macy's. This outfit is so BULGE-y. I look really awkward.

Above, green plaid shirt: friend's, secondhand, gift, sort of. T-shirt: Threadless (She Doesn't Even Realize). Pink tank top: Kohl's. Jeans: Ross (yes, they are literally falling apart). Socks: dollar store. Neck scarf thing: grandmother's. I wish somebody had told my sad, sorry self that one knot of fabric under the bust was enough and that I didn't need another one around my neck to complete the nu-rave cowboy look.

Above, cardigan: delia's. T-shirt: Lady Foot Locker, printed by me. White longsleeve: Old Navy. Orange thing peeking out: tank top from Kohl's. Jeans: Levi's. Socks: Target. Okay, okay. I can justify why my shirt makes me sound like a prostitute. My friend's name is Clarence, so online my friends and I often end up typing Clearance instead, hence Clearance, Clearance Sale, Sale. So for his birthday we printed matching t-shirts (with my amazing Speedball silkscreen starter kit :D) in various colors that said For Sale and wore them when we ambushed him on the pretense of "a tennis date" with another friend. The dollar sign cardigan seemed appropriate for the occasion. But nothing explains the weird puckering or built-in wrinkles or whatever is radiating from the crotch of my jeans. (Well the fact that I bought them from Costco without trying them out might have something to do with it.) But yeah, this is kind of ugly, if festive.

Above, turtleneck: mother's. Dress: Haight Ashbury somewhere. Jeans: Levi's. Socks: Target. Agh! The proportions! I had no sense of proportions! Nice colors on top, match the socks. That dress though - not with jeans! Ever again!

Above, dress shirt: Old Navy. Belt: mother's, from a shirt she bought just for the belt. Skirt: made by me. Tights: Hue, Nordstrom. Socks: HotSox, Macy's. Proportions, proportions, proportions! Although I do like the vertical stripes of the shirt with the 45 degree stripes of the skirt. I was thinking that day.
This post is getting depressingly long. There will probably be a Part II.

Text onlehh
A text-only post. D:
Automatically tagged by Stephanie at fashion robot from a long time ago.
8 Things I Am Passionate About (in no order)
1. clothes
2. blogs
3. street style
4. words
5. reading
6. honesty
7. Harry Potter
8. theater
8 Things I Want to Do Before I Die
1. go on an international trip by myself
2. live in New York
3. work for myself
4. ride on a hot Italian guy's Vespa
5. see the Hagia Sofia
6. send something to PostSecret
7. construct a wearable dress
8. buy a really expensive matching underwear set
8 Things I Say Often
1. ridiculously
2. I don't know.
3. Are you serious?
4. Wait -
5. That's crazy.
6. totally
7. Don't you think -
8. Holy crap!
8 Books I Have Read Lately (including school material, not counting plays, and in no order)
1. A Lost Lady by Willa Cather
2. The Stranger by Albert Camus
3. Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov (reading)
4. House of Mirth by Edith Wharton (reading)
5. Atonement by Ian McEwan (I totally read this and have not seen the movie and felt really sorry for Briony not Cecilia and saw screencaps of and wanted Keira Knightley/Cecilia Tallis's dress before there was a buzz about it at all)
6. Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy
7. Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis
8. The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway
8 Songs I Could Listen to Over and Over ( the moment)
1. "Hands Down" by Dashboard Confessional
2. "I've Just Seen A Face" The Beatles
3. "Beautiful Girls" Sean Kingston
4. "Suitcases and Travel Bags" Gabe Bondoc
5. "Everything" Michael Buble
6. "For Good" Wicked
7. "Defying Gravity" Wicked
8. "Simple and Clean" Utada Hikaru
8 Things That Attract Me to My Best Friends
1. They're geeks.
2. We can have intelligent conversation.
3. We can have stupid conversation.
4. They like thrift shopping.
5. They don't believe high school love lasts forever.
6. They give me space.
7. They like cheap food.
8. They value academic honesty and family.
Tagging: whoever is in need of a post topic
Automatically tagged by Stephanie at fashion robot from a long time ago.
8 Things I Am Passionate About (in no order)
1. clothes
2. blogs
3. street style
4. words
5. reading
6. honesty
7. Harry Potter
8. theater
8 Things I Want to Do Before I Die
1. go on an international trip by myself
2. live in New York
3. work for myself
4. ride on a hot Italian guy's Vespa
5. see the Hagia Sofia
6. send something to PostSecret
7. construct a wearable dress
8. buy a really expensive matching underwear set
8 Things I Say Often
1. ridiculously
2. I don't know.
3. Are you serious?
4. Wait -
5. That's crazy.
6. totally
7. Don't you think -
8. Holy crap!
8 Books I Have Read Lately (including school material, not counting plays, and in no order)
1. A Lost Lady by Willa Cather
2. The Stranger by Albert Camus
3. Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov (reading)
4. House of Mirth by Edith Wharton (reading)
5. Atonement by Ian McEwan (I totally read this and have not seen the movie and felt really sorry for Briony not Cecilia and saw screencaps of and wanted Keira Knightley/Cecilia Tallis's dress before there was a buzz about it at all)
6. Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy
7. Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis
8. The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway
8 Songs I Could Listen to Over and Over ( the moment)
1. "Hands Down" by Dashboard Confessional
2. "I've Just Seen A Face" The Beatles
3. "Beautiful Girls" Sean Kingston
4. "Suitcases and Travel Bags" Gabe Bondoc
5. "Everything" Michael Buble
6. "For Good" Wicked
7. "Defying Gravity" Wicked
8. "Simple and Clean" Utada Hikaru
8 Things That Attract Me to My Best Friends
1. They're geeks.
2. We can have intelligent conversation.
3. We can have stupid conversation.
4. They like thrift shopping.
5. They don't believe high school love lasts forever.
6. They give me space.
7. They like cheap food.
8. They value academic honesty and family.
Tagging: whoever is in need of a post topic

adventures in the blogosphere
I am the undead!
Or, I'm not dead.
[edit: a post I wrote while still in LA. Forgive me. I have been out of the blogosphere for almost a week now.]
Oh, I am a bad blogger already. So I've been sick since Thursday and in LA since Sunday. I started my antibiotics on Tuesday, so I am, like, conscious and not puking today (Wednesday). Excellent! I bought some stuff from Nordstrom Rack that isn't very exciting. And I think I'm set on UCLA, actually. I watched The Phantom of the Opera today, and it was all right. I don't think it deserved the standing ovation that the audience gave it. The masquerade scene was genius, though. Instead of filling the stage and staircase with actors, the production/tech people dispersed mannequins (also masqueraded) on set. It was cool. Masqueraded mannequins. The guy who played the Phantom made his character seem like such a loser, like the kid in high school who got picked on and had self-image problems ever since. Very tragic, and it would have been good cheese if it weren't for his weak singing voice. My brother pointed out that in the dude's bio, it said he was a Bio major in college. Haha! To the double use of bio, and to the fact that a bio major became the lead in a musical theater production.
Not! Text:
Here is a supremely amateur outfit, probably from junior year. Oh, knee socks are cute, but I am stabbing my metaphorical self now:

Above, green slip: FCUK, vintage. Captain Awesome and the Wonder Friends tee: Threadless. White longsleeve: Old Navy. Leggings: Rite Aid. Socks: Target.

Above, rugby polo thing: Nordstrom Rack. V-neck sweater: old school uniform. Short shorts: Wet Seal. Leggings: Rite Aid. Socks: H&M.

Above, dress shirt: brother's. Black belt ribbon thing: off a skirt from Forever21. Pink t-shirt: Paul Frank. Short shorts: Wet Seal. Leggings: Rite Aid. Socks: Target.
And I think I deleted the rest of the scary knee sock outfit photos. I'd like to point out that all these pictures are from junior or sophomore year. I am evolving! Like a Magikarp into a Gyarados.
[edit: a post I wrote while still in LA. Forgive me. I have been out of the blogosphere for almost a week now.]
Oh, I am a bad blogger already. So I've been sick since Thursday and in LA since Sunday. I started my antibiotics on Tuesday, so I am, like, conscious and not puking today (Wednesday). Excellent! I bought some stuff from Nordstrom Rack that isn't very exciting. And I think I'm set on UCLA, actually. I watched The Phantom of the Opera today, and it was all right. I don't think it deserved the standing ovation that the audience gave it. The masquerade scene was genius, though. Instead of filling the stage and staircase with actors, the production/tech people dispersed mannequins (also masqueraded) on set. It was cool. Masqueraded mannequins. The guy who played the Phantom made his character seem like such a loser, like the kid in high school who got picked on and had self-image problems ever since. Very tragic, and it would have been good cheese if it weren't for his weak singing voice. My brother pointed out that in the dude's bio, it said he was a Bio major in college. Haha! To the double use of bio, and to the fact that a bio major became the lead in a musical theater production.
Not! Text:
Here is a supremely amateur outfit, probably from junior year. Oh, knee socks are cute, but I am stabbing my metaphorical self now:

Above, green slip: FCUK, vintage. Captain Awesome and the Wonder Friends tee: Threadless. White longsleeve: Old Navy. Leggings: Rite Aid. Socks: Target.

Above, rugby polo thing: Nordstrom Rack. V-neck sweater: old school uniform. Short shorts: Wet Seal. Leggings: Rite Aid. Socks: H&M.

Above, dress shirt: brother's. Black belt ribbon thing: off a skirt from Forever21. Pink t-shirt: Paul Frank. Short shorts: Wet Seal. Leggings: Rite Aid. Socks: Target.
And I think I deleted the rest of the scary knee sock outfit photos. I'd like to point out that all these pictures are from junior or sophomore year. I am evolving! Like a Magikarp into a Gyarados.

I'm a disgrace...
...but I'm going to try to make up for it by posting an inordinate amount now that I'm back home and not puking.
My friend said to check out Idol Vintage, but don't get excited because I haven't yet. Yelp makes it sound too hipster-y. And I prefer to dig through gross piles of clothing myself, not buy from a hand-picked stock. Where's the fun in that?!
My friend said to check out Idol Vintage, but don't get excited because I haven't yet. Yelp makes it sound too hipster-y. And I prefer to dig through gross piles of clothing myself, not buy from a hand-picked stock. Where's the fun in that?!

for kicks/etc.
I am sick, and I am in LA, and it is warm outside but I am cold.
I might be visiting the UCLA campus sometime this week.
Rehearsal isn't so bad.
I am so sick.
I love the airport.
I am not dead.
I forgot my laptop charger, and my laptop can't connect to the wireless here, so I'm on my brother's laptop.
Tater (short for Tater Tot), my cousin's dog, has shed all over my corduroy skinnies.
I am watching The Phantom of the Opera on Wednesday.
Cal comes out Thursday. I have rehearsal on Thursday.
Waste of a post!
I might be visiting the UCLA campus sometime this week.
Rehearsal isn't so bad.
I am so sick.
I love the airport.
I am not dead.
I forgot my laptop charger, and my laptop can't connect to the wireless here, so I'm on my brother's laptop.
Tater (short for Tater Tot), my cousin's dog, has shed all over my corduroy skinnies.
I am watching The Phantom of the Opera on Wednesday.
Cal comes out Thursday. I have rehearsal on Thursday.
Waste of a post!

sam's school of life
Week's Worth
Here is this past week's worth of outfits.
Above, scarf: mother's. Longsleeve: Target. Blue spiderman t-shirt: Target. Pants: Gap (skinny black pants). Socks: H&M. This was my St. Patrick's Day outfit. It made sense in my head that if I wore blue and yellow, I would be wearing green. Oh well. I had green panties on.
Above, cropped jacket: gift, can't be bothered to check the brand. Black longlseeve henley thing: ellemenno, gift. T-shirt you can't see but I know I'm wearing that says "For Sale": Lady Foot Locker, printed by me for my friend's birthday (his name is Clarence, so we call him Clearance or Sale). Dress: H&M salesracklove. Tights: generic drugstore brand.
Above, pseudo-hipster headband: gift wrap, probably from a chocolate box or something (see below). Sweatshirt: senior class sweatshirt (see below below). T-shirt: Threadless, Captain Awesome and the Wonder Friends. Skirt: Forever21. Tights: generic drugstore brand. Worn with my trusty and abused Steve Madden flats:
The horror! The horror! Under-eye circles! (Have I mentioned that I don't wear makeup?) But look how shiny the silver is! Sha-sha-sha-shiny.
And here's a closeup of the senior sweatshirt logo (too lazy to get a photo of the other part of the design that's on the back):
And here's what it's supposed to be an imitation of, the SFMuni bus line logos, like this one:
(Okay, wait. Interruption because I am operating on three-ish hours of sleep! I lied; I do wear makeup. I wear pink lipstick almost every day. That's it. Sometimes a dull fleshy kind of pink, sometimes a deep bruise-y pink, but mostly hot pink. I end up eating it off halfway through the day anyway.)
(Also! I have discovered why hipsters wear headbands! They are so useful for when your hair is gross and not washed. And since hipsters wash their hair, like, every full moon, headbands are their natural choice of greasy-headgear.)
(Also! As you can see I take really bad, blurry pictures. Suck it up.)
Above, plaid: grandmother's. Floral belt: thrifted, Goodwill. Light blue longsleeve thermal: Old Navy, gift. Green jeans: Target. Socks: gift.
Above, collared shirt: grandmother's. Tank top: Haight Ashbury somewhere. Thermal longsleeve I know I'm wearing but you can't really see: my mom bought it for me from some department store. Corduroy skinnies: delia's, rolled up. Socks: gift. This is one of those outfits for which I really wish I had geek glasses. Oh well.
P. S. Rehearsal sucks.



(Also! I have discovered why hipsters wear headbands! They are so useful for when your hair is gross and not washed. And since hipsters wash their hair, like, every full moon, headbands are their natural choice of greasy-headgear.)
(Also! As you can see I take really bad, blurry pictures. Suck it up.)


P. S. Rehearsal sucks.

I want to go to the Vatican...
...because after we spent a quarter of 7th grade learning about architecture in the Renaissance instead of historical events, I developed a fascination with cathedrals.
And, um, I want to see the Pietà:

Am I blogging instead of sleeping? Maybe.
Look, cheap shoes that I really, really want:

Saddle shoes, $21.50 at
Tip of the day: If you are very, very sleepy, don't shower at night. Shower in the morning, and constantly consume sugar for the rest of the day. Waffles and Nutella are a good combination.
And, um, I want to see the Pietà:

Am I blogging instead of sleeping? Maybe.
Look, cheap shoes that I really, really want:

Saddle shoes, $21.50 at
Tip of the day: If you are very, very sleepy, don't shower at night. Shower in the morning, and constantly consume sugar for the rest of the day. Waffles and Nutella are a good combination.

sam's school of life
I hate...
...Environmental Science, but you knew that.
I just finished my field study draft.
Does anyone else totally need these?
Honey Bee Shoe, $39 at delia's
Gavivi Wedge Sandal, $16.80 at Forever21
With a name like Gavivi, how could you not want it? (Also, the delia's wedges are sold out in green. Wow. I think they've had them for a couple months now but that was fast.)
(Edit: Okay apparently they are not sold out. I lie. But the green ones are the best. And they are having a last chance clearance sale, but either the website is still being updated or everything is already sold out because it keeps giving me the "Sorry, this color/size combination is not available" or whatever.)
Okay and now I am getting woozy. I am 50% sure I brought this on myself. And I'm 50% sure that Ohlone brought this on me. Rehearsal, I keel you!
Oh and thank you commenters! Comments make me feel awkward but they also make me happy. Like this turtle! Except happier.
I just finished my field study draft.
Does anyone else totally need these?

With a name like Gavivi, how could you not want it? (Also, the delia's wedges are sold out in green. Wow. I think they've had them for a couple months now but that was fast.)
(Edit: Okay apparently they are not sold out. I lie. But the green ones are the best. And they are having a last chance clearance sale, but either the website is still being updated or everything is already sold out because it keeps giving me the "Sorry, this color/size combination is not available" or whatever.)
Okay and now I am getting woozy. I am 50% sure I brought this on myself. And I'm 50% sure that Ohlone brought this on me. Rehearsal, I keel you!
Oh and thank you commenters! Comments make me feel awkward but they also make me happy. Like this turtle! Except happier.

glorified wishlist,
sam's school of life
So tired

Just like that time I bought these flats for Junior Prom:
From some tiny store in the Haight-Ashbury for something like $55, only to find them on the now-defunct (I guess) girlshop on clearance for $15...
...a little while ago I bought this dress from some tiny store in the Haight-Ashbury for $75...
...and I just found it (above, Multi Tier Sleeveless Dress) on the Forever21 website for $32.80.
Moral of the story: Stop shopping in the Haight where all the really obnoxious hipster store-owners who rip you off are.

...a little while ago I bought this dress from some tiny store in the Haight-Ashbury for $75...

Moral of the story: Stop shopping in the Haight where all the really obnoxious hipster store-owners who rip you off are.

epic fail
Who would ever need to know...
...the carbon dioxide factor (pounds of carbon dioxide per unit) for urban vs. intercity buses? I hate APES.
I cut my hair again yesterday and it looks a lot better. Less flat. Huzzah! I am not a hair-cutting failure!
Sleeping late is bad for you. My gums have started bleeding again. This is bad.
And I've been getting random severe vertigo when I walk.
I am posting this now so that, for the record, I have posted today.
Rumors are telling me that UCLA is coming out in two days, not nine. Oh my.
I cut my hair again yesterday and it looks a lot better. Less flat. Huzzah! I am not a hair-cutting failure!
Sleeping late is bad for you. My gums have started bleeding again. This is bad.
And I've been getting random severe vertigo when I walk.
I am posting this now so that, for the record, I have posted today.
Rumors are telling me that UCLA is coming out in two days, not nine. Oh my.

sam's school of life
Oh yeah...
...and here's something fashion-related, because that was the original purpose of this blog.
My American Eagle for Payless flats, which I never wear despite how cheap they were because they hurt like the shiz:
And an outfit that totally involves me not wearing pants. Scandalous!
Above, turtleneck: mother's. Jumper: bloom (Is that just some minor brand? I'd never heard of it until I bought this). Leggings: United Colors of Benetton. Socks: gift.
(And I give up on my whole deleting links to images so you can't enlarge them.)
My American Eagle for Payless flats, which I never wear despite how cheap they were because they hurt like the shiz:

(And I give up on my whole deleting links to images so you can't enlarge them.)

You better run 'cause it's the...
I definitely did not know I was up to fifty posts already. In honor of my fiftieth post (or just because I can), I have ordered shirts from Threadless! Which is having a sale! I got both my Napelon in War Paint and Secrets of Mensa t-shirts. Insert heart.
Hey, according to Wikipedia,
Jake Gyllenhaal looking bundled up and ridiculous with his plaid thing peeking out:
Jake Gyllenhaal looking suspicious and pre-heroic:
Jake Gyllenhaal looking like that semi-embarrassing crazy boyfriend or guy friend you leave at a party for too long who ends up with a gaggle of girls surrounding him (or this only happens in my head):
Jake Gyllenhaal looking content and Western and long-lashed with Heath Ledger, whom I did not know personally but would have liked to, and for whom I might actually leave the house and go watch the new Batman film:
And finally, Jake Gyllenhaal doing the quintessential adorable guy thing and looking so coy you can just hear the giggling in the internal monologue you are writing for him:
I definitely did not know I was up to fifty posts already. In honor of my fiftieth post (or just because I can), I have ordered shirts from Threadless! Which is having a sale! I got both my Napelon in War Paint and Secrets of Mensa t-shirts. Insert heart.
Hey, according to Wikipedia,
“Sam Hall” is an old English folk song. Prior to the mid 19th century it was called “Jack Hall”, after an infamous English thief, who was hanged in 1707 at Tyburn.Which is funny because in The Day After Tomorrow (which we are watching in APES right now because my teacher lost her voice and can't lecture, which proves that APES is not all that bad, even if the movie's cheesy, because it has really ambitious CGI and Jake Gyllenhaal in it looking very studious and collegiate), Dennis Quaid plays Jack Hall, father to Sam Hall, played by Jake Gyllenhaal, who is really, really cute.
Jake Gyllenhaal looking bundled up and ridiculous with his plaid thing peeking out:

for kicks/etc.,
young and broke
HOMG I haz comment from Noel at MissCouturable! I can sleep happy now! I should really track my comments instead of manually checking them! Exclamation points! I should stop complaining about college! I spent 8 hours making a 3-D version of a 1Up mushroom (from Super Mario)! A graph rotated about the x-axis cut into 25 slices! I hate calculus! Mr. Chan, I hate you! (But not really!)
Oh yeah, and male model Ryan Taylor isreally, really, ridiculously good-looking adorable.
Brooding!Ryan Taylor:

Geeky/serious!Ryan Taylor:
Coy!Ryan Taylor:

Have I mentioned that I hate APES, I'm really good at procrastinating, and I probably have rehearsal the whole week because my favorite white-kid-with-a-medieval-peasant-haircut and I haven't rehearsed our scene for the Ohlone Theater Competition/Festival at ALL?
Oh yeah, and male model Ryan Taylor is
Brooding!Ryan Taylor:
Geeky/serious!Ryan Taylor:

Have I mentioned that I hate APES, I'm really good at procrastinating, and I probably have rehearsal the whole week because my favorite white-kid-with-a-medieval-peasant-haircut and I haven't rehearsed our scene for the Ohlone Theater Competition/Festival at ALL?

sam's school of life
Yay I added (some uncategorized) links in the sidebar.
An excerpt from Miss Couturable's post a couple hours ago (okay, I am totally not a stalker):
How sad is it that two of my friends, who have both had unweighted 4.0s throughout high school, who have ridiculously time-consuming extracurriculars, who will complete high school having taken more than 12 AP tests and scored no lower than 5 on all of them - how sad is it that they were rejected from MIT? Not saying anything against MIT or their admissions process, but how sad is it that it's just not enough anymore to be the top students? [Edit: For the record, one of them has taken 19 APs and gotten 5s on all of them.]
I got my acceptance letter from UC Davis today. It's kind of nice to see it on paper. I also got into UCSD. I don't think San Diego's my school, though. I must sound pretty ungrateful, considering how other people have been elated or devastated over the SD decisions (which came out today), but I, like most of the senior class, am waiting for the 27th. LA, Berkeley!
But back to Miss Couturable's post. Friends are so ridiculously, unbelievably, inconceivably important. What happens to friends when we go to college? From eighth grade to high school, I lost all contact with old school friends. Actually, I lost all desire to keep in touch with them because I was a different person. And they were different people from the people I became friends with when I was nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen. After high school, who's still going to matter to me?
But to make this more cheery, here is stationery I would like to use to hypothetically write to my hypothetically lost friends:
Above, the multi-purpose, $3 from elephantine at Etsy
And here is an amazing skirt:
Above, Pop art inspired high waisted skirt made by skarinja at Craftster
An excerpt from Miss Couturable's post a couple hours ago (okay, I am totally not a stalker):
At a moment in my life when sleeping at 4:00am and still traipsing to school in a pair of heels and a dress in spite of a lack of sleep is normal, when Moleskine agendas have replaced reminders written on the back of my hand, when Rockstar and Diet Coke are drank more than orange juice, when the first things that cross my mind when I wake up are the tasks I need to complete, when 24 hours in a day is never enough, when the pressure to maintain a slim physique overrides any desire to dinner, when my maid has to clean my room because I'm always busy --Do you have any idea how accurately that describes my life? Not so much now but my life for the past four years, except I rarely wear heels to school because sometimes we have to run laps in drama class ("to warm up"). How sad is it that high school students have to cut out on sleep because of school? Well, I'm assuming that the lack of sleep is from school. And how sad is it that I'm (we're?) not allowed to have lives outside of working and studying because so much is expected of us academically? How sad is it that I consider myself lucky because I don't live on Starbucks or tea or Red Bull or sugary candy because I'm not quite as tired as everyone else? How sad is it that I consider it okay to sleep for two hours because I know the weekend is only a few days away? How sad is it that I go to family dinners with my laptop and textbooks?
How sad is it that two of my friends, who have both had unweighted 4.0s throughout high school, who have ridiculously time-consuming extracurriculars, who will complete high school having taken more than 12 AP tests and scored no lower than 5 on all of them - how sad is it that they were rejected from MIT? Not saying anything against MIT or their admissions process, but how sad is it that it's just not enough anymore to be the top students? [Edit: For the record, one of them has taken 19 APs and gotten 5s on all of them.]
I got my acceptance letter from UC Davis today. It's kind of nice to see it on paper. I also got into UCSD. I don't think San Diego's my school, though. I must sound pretty ungrateful, considering how other people have been elated or devastated over the SD decisions (which came out today), but I, like most of the senior class, am waiting for the 27th. LA, Berkeley!
But back to Miss Couturable's post. Friends are so ridiculously, unbelievably, inconceivably important. What happens to friends when we go to college? From eighth grade to high school, I lost all contact with old school friends. Actually, I lost all desire to keep in touch with them because I was a different person. And they were different people from the people I became friends with when I was nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen. After high school, who's still going to matter to me?
But to make this more cheery, here is stationery I would like to use to hypothetically write to my hypothetically lost friends:

And here is an amazing skirt: