And this (Raheem DeVaughn, "Friday (Shut the Club Down)" and I'm assuming everyone has an imeem account by now) has been stuck in my head since shopping at Forever21 and having a complete "I have to buy something" moment. They're good, Forever21. They know how to get me to spend money.
Not that I'm a connoisseur of music at all. That is my distinctively un-hipster trait.
Oh yeah, and a few days ago, I wore this in total emulation (HAHA I was about to say copy combined with emulate and -tion, which would have ended up as "copulation") of the amazing girl-bloggers no-introduction-necessary SusieBubble (to whom I will pay tribute along with the others I see as OG fashion bloggers) and Stephanie of fashion robot, who was emulating SusieBubble very recently:

Above, button-down (not cardigan, sadly) worn as skirt: grandmother's. Tank top: somewhere in the Haight. Thermal: Old Navy, gift. Scarf, wound into the biggest unshapely facehunter-ish mess I could make it: knit by me. Glittery blue headband: Target. Tights: generic drugstore brand.
It made me sad that 1) people actually asked, "Is that a shirt?" because I thought it was pretty obvious that it was and that 2) the same guy who said my pseudo-hipster headband made me look like a ninja said that I looked like an old lady. And it stuck with me the whole day. In a bad way.
But that's okay, because this secret from PostSecret is beautiful:

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