An excerpt from Miss Couturable's post a couple hours ago (okay, I am totally not a stalker):
At a moment in my life when sleeping at 4:00am and still traipsing to school in a pair of heels and a dress in spite of a lack of sleep is normal, when Moleskine agendas have replaced reminders written on the back of my hand, when Rockstar and Diet Coke are drank more than orange juice, when the first things that cross my mind when I wake up are the tasks I need to complete, when 24 hours in a day is never enough, when the pressure to maintain a slim physique overrides any desire to dinner, when my maid has to clean my room because I'm always busy --Do you have any idea how accurately that describes my life? Not so much now but my life for the past four years, except I rarely wear heels to school because sometimes we have to run laps in drama class ("to warm up"). How sad is it that high school students have to cut out on sleep because of school? Well, I'm assuming that the lack of sleep is from school. And how sad is it that I'm (we're?) not allowed to have lives outside of working and studying because so much is expected of us academically? How sad is it that I consider myself lucky because I don't live on Starbucks or tea or Red Bull or sugary candy because I'm not quite as tired as everyone else? How sad is it that I consider it okay to sleep for two hours because I know the weekend is only a few days away? How sad is it that I go to family dinners with my laptop and textbooks?
How sad is it that two of my friends, who have both had unweighted 4.0s throughout high school, who have ridiculously time-consuming extracurriculars, who will complete high school having taken more than 12 AP tests and scored no lower than 5 on all of them - how sad is it that they were rejected from MIT? Not saying anything against MIT or their admissions process, but how sad is it that it's just not enough anymore to be the top students? [Edit: For the record, one of them has taken 19 APs and gotten 5s on all of them.]
I got my acceptance letter from UC Davis today. It's kind of nice to see it on paper. I also got into UCSD. I don't think San Diego's my school, though. I must sound pretty ungrateful, considering how other people have been elated or devastated over the SD decisions (which came out today), but I, like most of the senior class, am waiting for the 27th. LA, Berkeley!
But back to Miss Couturable's post. Friends are so ridiculously, unbelievably, inconceivably important. What happens to friends when we go to college? From eighth grade to high school, I lost all contact with old school friends. Actually, I lost all desire to keep in touch with them because I was a different person. And they were different people from the people I became friends with when I was nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen. After high school, who's still going to matter to me?
But to make this more cheery, here is stationery I would like to use to hypothetically write to my hypothetically lost friends:

And here is an amazing skirt:

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