Here is this past week's worth of outfits.
Above, scarf: mother's. Longsleeve: Target. Blue spiderman t-shirt: Target. Pants: Gap (skinny black pants). Socks: H&M. This was my St. Patrick's Day outfit. It made sense in my head that if I wore blue and yellow, I would be wearing green. Oh well. I had green panties on.
Above, cropped jacket: gift, can't be bothered to check the brand. Black longlseeve henley thing: ellemenno, gift. T-shirt you can't see but I know I'm wearing that says "For Sale": Lady Foot Locker, printed by me for my friend's birthday (his name is Clarence, so we call him Clearance or Sale). Dress: H&M salesracklove. Tights: generic drugstore brand.
Above, pseudo-hipster headband: gift wrap, probably from a chocolate box or something (see below). Sweatshirt: senior class sweatshirt (see below below). T-shirt: Threadless, Captain Awesome and the Wonder Friends. Skirt: Forever21. Tights: generic drugstore brand. Worn with my trusty and abused Steve Madden flats:

The horror! The horror! Under-eye circles! (Have I mentioned that I don't wear makeup?) But look how shiny the silver is! Sha-sha-sha-shiny.

And here's a closeup of the senior sweatshirt logo (too lazy to get a photo of the other part of the design that's on the back):

And here's what it's supposed to be an imitation of, the SFMuni bus line logos, like this one:

(Okay, wait. Interruption because I am operating on three-ish hours of sleep! I lied; I do wear makeup. I wear pink lipstick almost every day. That's it. Sometimes a dull fleshy kind of pink, sometimes a deep bruise-y pink, but mostly hot pink. I end up eating it off halfway through the day anyway.)
(Also! I have discovered why hipsters wear headbands! They are so useful for when your hair is gross and not washed. And since hipsters wash their hair, like, every full moon, headbands are their natural choice of greasy-headgear.)
(Also! As you can see I take really bad, blurry pictures. Suck it up.)

Above, plaid: grandmother's. Floral belt: thrifted, Goodwill. Light blue longsleeve thermal: Old Navy, gift. Green jeans: Target. Socks: gift.
Above, collared shirt: grandmother's. Tank top: Haight Ashbury somewhere. Thermal longsleeve I know I'm wearing but you can't really see: my mom bought it for me from some department store. Corduroy skinnies: delia's, rolled up. Socks: gift. This is one of those outfits for which I really wish I had geek glasses. Oh well.
P. S. Rehearsal sucks.
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