Because I said so.

Above, possibly for Throwback Day during Spirit Week, or else I just forgot my pants. T-shirt: Wicked. Green sweatshirt/cardigan: oversized Calvin Klein thing rescued from bag of monstrosities for charity. Leggings: United Colors of Benetton. Socks: so old I have no idea

Above, the pink and yellow are supposed to remind me of yogurt, I think. Pink longsleeve: United Colors of Benetton. Yellow t-shirt: an oversized tourist shirt from Cancun, with a chopped neckline, worn inside out and backwards. Jeans: Levi's 504 Slouch. Socks: Target, cashmere-wool blend!

Above, I'm doing the whole not-bright-colors thing. Printed thermal: Kohl's. Belted khaki jacket thing: Forever21. Green jeans: Target. Socks: gift.

Above, I'm doing the bright-colors-are-painful thing, or it was for Throwback. Yellow t-shirt: an oversized tourist shirt from Cancun, with a chopped neckline, worn inside out and backwards. Pink jacket thing: grandma made it, rescued from pile of hideous clothes from the early 90s, with added button at the bottom. Pins: well, one is from Cats, and that's all I can see or remember. Skirt: green circle skirt made by me, ridiculously expensive fabric from Britex. Tights: generic drugstore brand. Sushi socks: HotSox. Bangles: Claire's.
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