Above, headband: gift. Dark green longsleeve: Old Navy. Chopped up t-shirt: Cirque du Soleil (Varekai). Belt: Old Navy. Chopped up maroon corduroys: something from Macy's. Pink tights: Hue, Nordstrom. This outfit is awfully chopped up. While the colors are nice, they don't show very well in this picture, and the proportions are so awkward.

Above, headband: Chinatown. Turtleneck: mother's, from some department store. Slip: vintage. Tights: generic drugstore brand. Socks: HotSox, Macy's. This outfit is so BULGE-y. I look really awkward.

Above, green plaid shirt: friend's, secondhand, gift, sort of. T-shirt: Threadless (She Doesn't Even Realize). Pink tank top: Kohl's. Jeans: Ross (yes, they are literally falling apart). Socks: dollar store. Neck scarf thing: grandmother's. I wish somebody had told my sad, sorry self that one knot of fabric under the bust was enough and that I didn't need another one around my neck to complete the nu-rave cowboy look.

Above, cardigan: delia's. T-shirt: Lady Foot Locker, printed by me. White longsleeve: Old Navy. Orange thing peeking out: tank top from Kohl's. Jeans: Levi's. Socks: Target. Okay, okay. I can justify why my shirt makes me sound like a prostitute. My friend's name is Clarence, so online my friends and I often end up typing Clearance instead, hence Clearance, Clearance Sale, Sale. So for his birthday we printed matching t-shirts (with my amazing Speedball silkscreen starter kit :D) in various colors that said For Sale and wore them when we ambushed him on the pretense of "a tennis date" with another friend. The dollar sign cardigan seemed appropriate for the occasion. But nothing explains the weird puckering or built-in wrinkles or whatever is radiating from the crotch of my jeans. (Well the fact that I bought them from Costco without trying them out might have something to do with it.) But yeah, this is kind of ugly, if festive.

Above, turtleneck: mother's. Dress: Haight Ashbury somewhere. Jeans: Levi's. Socks: Target. Agh! The proportions! I had no sense of proportions! Nice colors on top, match the socks. That dress though - not with jeans! Ever again!

Above, dress shirt: Old Navy. Belt: mother's, from a shirt she bought just for the belt. Skirt: made by me. Tights: Hue, Nordstrom. Socks: HotSox, Macy's. Proportions, proportions, proportions! Although I do like the vertical stripes of the shirt with the 45 degree stripes of the skirt. I was thinking that day.
This post is getting depressingly long. There will probably be a Part II.
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