Here is my school week's worth of outfits:

Above, pink longsleeve: Target. Dress: mother's. Tights: generic drugstore brand. Clip (see below): from my grandma's sewing box.
Above, in micro-homage to
dreamecho. Suit jacket: mother's. Striped longsleeve: grandmother's. White t-shirt barely peeking out that I know I'm wearing: Class of 2008 sophomore year t-shirt. Jeans: delia's. Socks: gift. It's funny that Kingdom of Style
just did
a post on striped pants.
Above, green cardigan: Express, thrifted. Scarf: grandmother's. Headband: Claire's. T-shirt: gift. Tank top: somewhere in the Haight. Too-short jeans: delia's. Socks: Target.
Above, belt: Forever21, gift. Dress shirt: brother's. Skirt: made by me for UCLA interview (supposed to be part of a costume for Peaseblossom from
A Midsummer Night's Dream, and it's the same skirt as is in my header). Leggings: United Colors of Benetton. Socks: Target.
Should I start calling this Hipster Friday or something? Above, headband: freebie from Clinique that I cut apart. Printed longsleeve: JC Penney. Dress: aunt's, about to be given away. Blue cardigan thing: mother's, about to be given away. Waist string belt tie thing: from a Forever21 dress, gift. Purple! tights: Hue.

The King's a thing
with a ring on a string. I mean, the ring's the thing wherein I'll catch the conscience of the King. I mean, above rings: both from Claire's. (Haha. You can see the reflection of my feet in the background.)

Above, pseudo-hipster headband: Clinique freebie. I cut my hair. And changed my part. It feels peculiar.
My brother's coming home today!
And I went to Payless with Connie last week and tried on wedges for the first time. No wonder girls in wedges aren't wincing in pain! No wonder they don't have blistery feet! No wonder they don't have to re-learn how to walk!
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