[edit: a post I wrote while still in LA. Forgive me. I have been out of the blogosphere for almost a week now.]
Oh, I am a bad blogger already. So I've been sick since Thursday and in LA since Sunday. I started my antibiotics on Tuesday, so I am, like, conscious and not puking today (Wednesday). Excellent! I bought some stuff from Nordstrom Rack that isn't very exciting. And I think I'm set on UCLA, actually. I watched The Phantom of the Opera today, and it was all right. I don't think it deserved the standing ovation that the audience gave it. The masquerade scene was genius, though. Instead of filling the stage and staircase with actors, the production/tech people dispersed mannequins (also masqueraded) on set. It was cool. Masqueraded mannequins. The guy who played the Phantom made his character seem like such a loser, like the kid in high school who got picked on and had self-image problems ever since. Very tragic, and it would have been good cheese if it weren't for his weak singing voice. My brother pointed out that in the dude's bio, it said he was a Bio major in college. Haha! To the double use of bio, and to the fact that a bio major became the lead in a musical theater production.
Not! Text:
Here is a supremely amateur outfit, probably from junior year. Oh, knee socks are cute, but I am stabbing my metaphorical self now:

Above, green slip: FCUK, vintage. Captain Awesome and the Wonder Friends tee: Threadless. White longsleeve: Old Navy. Leggings: Rite Aid. Socks: Target.

Above, rugby polo thing: Nordstrom Rack. V-neck sweater: old school uniform. Short shorts: Wet Seal. Leggings: Rite Aid. Socks: H&M.

Above, dress shirt: brother's. Black belt ribbon thing: off a skirt from Forever21. Pink t-shirt: Paul Frank. Short shorts: Wet Seal. Leggings: Rite Aid. Socks: Target.
And I think I deleted the rest of the scary knee sock outfit photos. I'd like to point out that all these pictures are from junior or sophomore year. I am evolving! Like a Magikarp into a Gyarados.
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