Here is my new Moleskine:

In other, less depressing news... things you have probably seen before.
- "plagiarized term papers" via because, um, thrillist is so definitely written by and for males, but this is kind of funny
- I Heart Guts!, because I really want the polo shirt with the smiling, anatomically correct heart embroidery via my friend, not thrillist, although it was just featured
- Stuff White People Like via my cousin, not thrillist, although it was just featured too
- This just makes me smile really, really hard - Just read it.
- The smallest mountain range in the world (Doesn't that sound cute?)
- Circular bike at UC Santa Barbara - More like a bike carousel, but check it out
- A 3-D dinosaur which is just kind of fun to look at
- Tampires - If this sounds like a cross between "tampon" and "vampire," that's because it is.
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