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King Lear

I just finished reading King Lear.

You know that scene where he's decked out in flowers and totally crazy or whatever?
Alack, 'tis he: why he was met even now
As mad as the vex'd sea; singing aloud;
Crown'd with rank fumiter and furrow weeds,
With harlocks, hemlock, nettles, cuckoo-flowers,
Darnel, and all the idle weeds that grow
In our sustaining corn.
Cordelia, Act IV, Scene iv

Well now I'm craving...

Above, helena by whichgoose, $30 at etsy

Above, persephone by whichgoose, $30 at etsy

Above, Magical Fairy Crown in Pinks by electricbluebird, $35 at etsy

Above, winifred by whichgoose, $30

Above, oleander by whichgoose, $30 at etsy
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Watching Trash

My cousin is visiting and we're watching a trashy Disney movie. Awesome.

Ambition list:
  1. monster scarf
  2. dress with gigantic visible zipper in the back
  3. a skirt, any skirt
  4. a headband with giant fake flowers
  5. silkscreen some t-shirt
  6. find fabric dye
  7. make a Paraphernalia-esque necklace
  8. hem my thrifted peasant dress
  9. narrow black skinny jeans from the 80s
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Things I Love Fredag

ala Gala's Things I Love Thursday
  • That the cashier at the Esprit sample sale was about to ring up our sweaters as $14.99 each (the price for all sweaters there) but said, "Let's charge these as blouses!" and rang them up as $12.99 each
  • That all I have left to do for APES is write a letter... and writing is good.
  • Smiling
  • That I just finished reading On Chesil Beach
  • The math test I took this morning because the last question was worth half the test and was a logic question, involving the phrase "If you are Mr. Chan, then you are sexy" and "If you are not sexy, then you are not Mr. Chan."
  • My realization that this summer, I can read whatever I want, which means I can finally go back to Lolita, which I have wanted to read for years (which seems kind of mentally unhealthy considering I'm seventeen and I heard of it when I was about ten)
  • That my drama group's senior-directed play went really well today. (We did the first two scenes of Baby with the Bathwater by Christopher Durang. Let's just say it involved condoms, the Lion King, and Madonna and leave it at that.)
  • Things Mr. Spellicy says that put life in perspective. Like (possibly paraphrased) "Did you ever for a moment think that you might not go to college? Did you ever doubt that you were going to college?" and "The people I met in ninth grade who became my friends - they are still my friends. Not my friends in college, the people I met in high school when I was going through a lot of difficult things." I wish all teachers would leave us their words of wisdom, or whatever. I appreciate it.
  • That the majority of the photographs on the Photography page of our yearbook were taken by my friend, and that one of those photos is of my foot, when I was trying on electric blue high heels at WetSeal.
  • That I don't have school tomorrow.
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I (Sweden) You


Above, tacky purple mock turtleneck: mother's. Blue tank top peeking out: Old Navy. Skirt: made by me as costume for Peaseblossom in A Midsummer Night's Dream for my UCLA application portfolio. Leggings: United Colors of Benetton. Socks: my childhood.

Above, with my yellow Fafi for Adidas (though I was too lazy to retie the shoelaces).


Above, plaid shirt: friend's from some Taiwanese children's clothing brand, gift. Blue Spiderman t-shirt: Mervyn's. Pink longsleeve: Target. Black pleated skirt: made by my grandmother. Leggings: H&M. Socks: H&M.

Above, once more, with plaid Keds.

Above, my cheesy hair. I like having short hair because I think it frames my face better, but it's also a pain to tie it up and have little bits fall out of the elastic. So I tied my hair to one side. I looked so late eighties.

Above, chicken hair tie: childhood.

Above, the Spider-Man t-shirt. The black bits are velveteen-y.

Above and below, my well-loved Keds.

And here is a closeup of my leggings, which I have done a closeup of before, but I like the print so much I did it again.


Above, dress: macy's children's section. Green longsleeve sticking out: JC Penney. Black cardigan: no idea. Belt: necktie from laundromat. Tights: drugstore.

Above, + kicks. My yellow Fafi for Adidas.

Above, the tie as belt, which was really frustrating to tie, especially because people kept pulling on the ends all day and untying it.


Above, red bandana: dollar store. T-shirt: Secrets of Mensa, Threadless. Green longsleeve: Target. Highwater denim: delia's (can't really see the length, but it hits right at the ankle). Striped socks you can barely see: gift. White canvas shoes: Payless. Indeed, I am wearing white canvas shoes, but they're covered in wet sand. Which is why I'm wearing plastic bags in this picture. Because my APES class went sandcrabbing today. The water was unbelievably cold, but at least there were a lot of sandcrabs. Hurray dissection!

Above, what I changed into after taking a hot shower. Sweaterdress: H&M. Light blue longsleeve: Old Navy, gift. Bandana: dollar store. Stirrup leggings: delia's.

I went to the (first ever) Esprit warehouse/clearance sale or whatever at Fort Mason today (Friday/Fredag, and all the Swedish is for TK, who probably will never read this) with my mother. It was fun. And it's true! At sample sales, some of the items do have "SAMPLE" written on them and some of them do have fabric swatches attached to them like my fashion design teacher from summer school told me. I don't want to list the booty without photos, but I'm never going to take photos, so I guess I'll just wait until they pop up in outfits as Esprit Sample Sale items. :D Going to a sample sale is kind of like thrifting in that if you don't grab it the first time around, you'll probably never see it again.

And now I must read King Lear some more.
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Frailty, thy name is woman...

...Woman not working on APES or studying math!

So here's a picture of a penny my cousin stuck under a MUNI track. Heads.


Hotel key card from the hotel my mom and I stayed at for one night when I went to take my non-theater tour of UCLA. During which I was appalled at not being able to find a recycling bin within a hundred foot radius (perhaps exaggeration, perhaps accurate estimation). I thought the gigantic "Hi" was cute.

Haha, and that ridiculous pattern on the left side. And giant directional arrow on the card itself to show how to insert the card.

And one of my brother's old ceramic projects.

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A Pants Week

Last week was a pants week, executed under my logic that the week before prom I must look as unglamorous as possible (but with some dignity) in order to emphasize the contrast of my (g-l-a-m-o-r-o-u-s, thank you Fergie) look at prom. Or something like that. Excluding Sunday, because Sunday was shopping with my hipster friend, so I tried to look like a pseudo-hipster.

Sunday, 18 May 2008

Above, went last-minute prom shopping downtown with/for Gordon, my hipster friend of Hypsterism. Left prematurely with a huge headache. Bandana: Chinese dollar store. Light denim shirt: grandmother's. The t-shirt underneath you can barely see: Cirque du Soleil's Varekai. Floral belt: Goodwill, off a dress. Short shorts: WetSeal. Leggings: United Colors of Benetton. Socks: my childhood?

Monday, 19 May 2008

Above, my head was very, very cold. Hat: Xpose in the Haight. Longsleeve: Kohl's. Sweatervest: knit by my mother. Brown tank top sticking out: the Haight. Jeans: Levi's from Costco, baby. Socks: New York & Co, gift.

Above, the hat has a little knobbly thing on the end. I like it. I feel like a house-elf.

Above, hat texture.

Above, sweatervest texture.

Recently my hair has just gotten long enough to do this funny upward flip in the back. Like a joyous dolphin. Or something. As evidenced by the above picture which has been pixelated to a sad death by blogger's resizing.

Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Above, it's been a long time since I've worn any jewelry. Plaid button-down: grandmother's. Longsleeve underneath: Macy's, gift. Skinny black pants: Gap, gift. Socks: gift. Necklaces: see below.

Above, from top to bottom: necklace from tourist-y shop in Hawaii; key necklace made from a chain from a craft store and a garden key from a garage sale, painted with clear nail polish; sco(red) necklace, my brother's, bought when he worked at the Gap. I traded my Captain Jack Sparrow doll from McDonald's for his necklace. He wanted it for his car, and I wanted it to look tough. And, y'know, menacing.

Wednesday, 21 May 2008

Above, sweater: mother's. Dress: aunt's, vintage I guess because she was going to give it away. Skinny brown cords: delia's. Socks: H&M.

Above, sweater texture. I do love me some knitwear. It's kind of a grayish green, not that this picture shows it very well.

Thursday, 22 May 2008

Above, jumper thing: Bloom. Black hoodie thing: ellemenno, gift. Neck bow tie thing: found in closet. Jeans: Levi's 504 slouch straight. Socks: Target.

Above, jumper closeup. Is it really a jumper? I don't know.

Friday, 23 May 2008

Above, my head was very cold again. It was Kermesse, our school's international food festival type of thing. I had breakfast at a diner. Yum. Hat: Xpose in the Haight. Sweatervest: Old Navy, gift. Green longsleeve: Target. Electric guitar print t-shirt underneath: pajama top from Mervyn's. Jeans cuffed to awkward geeky length: delia's. Socks: gift.

Above, fur on the hood. It looks kind of wet-dog-fur-colored to me. I actually hate this type of garment because to me it screams "I AM A SNOW BUNNY LOOK HOW CUTE I AM HOP HOP TEEHEE GIGGLESNORT" but I wear it because it's warm, it was a gift, and other people like it.

Above, the sweatervest. I love how dark the gray shows up in this picture. Even though it's not this dark. Poo.

And that is all. Senioritis is an amazing affliction. It makes me giggle. And get nothing done.
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I'm such a camera whore

So I joined FaceBook yesterday and I have over 300 pictures tagged. I am such a camera whore. Annnnnd... here are some (2 weeks before prom) pre-prom pictures, when I was still iffy about my shoes and dress (with all the tags still attached).

These shoes show an awfully strange peep of my toes. The big toe and second toe. Weird-looking. Have I mentioned that I hate feet? They look like deformed monkey hands.

Above, Lauren by Ralph Lauren shoes, $68.99 on clearance at Bloomingdale's. I teetered around in these in the garage for twenty minutes or so because the soles had no traction at all. I successfully made the bottom all gritty and oily and worn-down (but with slightly more traction than before), but my mom told me to break them in. So she had me wear them around the house with socks on the outside. It was ridiculous.

Above, dress from Ann Taylor, $153 on sale. It is totally one of the dresses they put in display windows. How embarrassing. Oh well.

I love unconventional prom.

[Edit: P. S. I have a field study due tomorrow. Oh crap. Expect a post very, very late today or very, very early tomorrow, if I'm unlucky.]
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So read your books but stay out late some nights

I just got a FaceBook. It is really addictive. But totally useless. So to tide you over until I have actual prom pictures (which probably isn't going to happen for a while because I'm always slow and I have big assignments due this week), here's my hair, a bunch of shoes, and a wishlist.

Above, my head. I mean, my hair after being in curlers (the prickly plastic kind that require bobby pins) for 4 hours and then slept on.

Above, my ridiculously painful peep-toe heels from Junior Prom (last year). They cost too much. Brian Anderson, from Isabel Shoes in the Haight.

Above, shoes. Diesel. Expensive but worth it. I think they look extremely urban? Industrial? Ugly in a utilitarian way. If that makes any sense.

Above, kitten heels from Payless. Cheap. Excellent. I usually don't do pointy toes. In fact, this is the only pair of pointy-toed shoes I own, and I don't wear them very often because a) they make my feet look bigger than they are, and b) because they're heeled, which means I can't wear them in drama class (because sometimes we have to run or do physical warmups).

Above, my (other) Fafi for Adidas shoes. Like with my other pair, I got these for $20 or $25 from this guy who was selling Adidas out of his garage because he worked for Adidas and had all the sample pairs. (It was really interesting. Each shoe was individually packaged so you had to dig through boxes to find the mate to a shoe in your size. And he had caps and bags and track jackets and everything. Thank goodness for broke-student-run theater company garage sale trips or I never would have run across the Adidas Man! They're a half-size too small, but nothing chafes, so it's fine. Y'know, sample sizes run really small...)

Above, my $25 Keds. Beat up and well-loved.

Above, Palladium flats. Also extremely beat up. They were semi-expensive (as in middle-range price, I think... I don't really remember) but the cost-per-wear is probably down to fractions of pennies now.

Above, my cheapass shoes from Payless. I think they were $19.99 (which isn't really cheapass, but read on). I bought these for Senior Boat (a dance for my high school's seniors, on a boat, yes) along with a blindingly blue dress from Goodwill ($7.99, alliteration unintended) so my total outfit cost was $28. Compared to people who spent more than that on their shoes or dress alone. Win.

Above, delia's flats. Red patent leather with a little black patent leather heart. They're size 7. Which is a half-size too small for me. So I can't wear these. Which sucks. They were like $24. Oh well.

Above, my Steve Madden flats that I found at Ross for $20. They're patent leather. And they look really wonky in this picture. I think the sides really are that wide, but they don't look that weird when there are feet in them. I only bought these so I could have flat shoes to change into for drama class if I ever felt like wearing not flat shoes to school.

Above, xhiliration heels from Target, $20. My first pair of heels. Awwww. My virginal arches! And they were three and a half freaking inches. Somebody is smart. But it's okay. They are broken-in really well now. And thanks to these babies, I can walk, strut, run, skip, jump, and whatever else in heels. I am awesome. Although now they look too cutesy to me.

Okay and here's a wishlist:
  • dark gray tights
  • a black and white striped blazer
  • nude fishnets
  • a whole bunch of black skirts (flouncy and bandage)
  • a flowery headband
  • an appropriate moleskine
  • supershiny sheer tights
  • a wrestling championship belt sort of belt
  • black and white spectator shoes
  • silver penny loafers
  • time for sewing!
  • time to finish reading On Chesil Beach
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